Chapter 18

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hall!" the MC announced as the bride and groom made their way into the reception.

The rest of us were already seated. I was relieved to finally be back beside Jennifer, though yet again, I was about a mile and a half away from Jake.

"I am never going to get to talk to him," I complained to Jennifer.

"Who?" Bobbi Lynne interrupted with her toothy grin.

I hadn't imagined that she would eavesdrop on our conversation. "Never mind," I said and stared at the plate in front of me.

Jennifer gave her a 'what the hell?' look. Bobbi Lynne didn't seem phased at all. I was sure that sort of thing happened to her a lot.

Jennifer kicked me lightly under the table.

"What?" I said.

She nodded toward the centre of the table where Rebecca was sitting. Rebecca was staring right at me, or more correctly, glaring.

"What did I do?" I said quietly.

Jennifer shrugged.

Even after I'd caught her staring, she didn't stop. The bride and groom were finally being seated after several handshakes and 'congratulations' as they'd waded through the tables.

Rebecca turned and hugged Emma as if they were best friends. Jennifer let out an unladylike scoffing sound.

The dinner was very formal and was followed by a very long program where several of the couple's friends make speeches. Jake got up and gave the best man speech, but it was one of Emma's actual friends that did the toast to her.

"I am so glad we get to sit for this," I whispered to Jennifer.

"No kidding," she whispered back. "My feet are still killing me though. Why is it that when you wear dress shoes, they don't stop hurting even after you sit down?"

I smiled and shrugged one shoulder a bit. Behind Jennifer, Rebecca was continuing to glare at me. I smiled sweetly at her. She narrowed her eyes even more.

I turned my attention back to the drone of the speeches.

When they were finally done, the dance began.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, the couple's first dance as man and wife."

"Does this all sound very old-fashioned to you?" Jennifer asked as we clapped along with the rest of the guests.

"Totally. I can't believe that the guy called them Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hall," I said.

"Yeah. I think I actually saw Emma's mother's eye twitch."

"And now we'll have the wedding party join the happy couple," the DJ announced.

"Ugh. Gross," I said as Eric VanHorn neared. "Trade ya."

"Not on your life my dear, not on your life."

Jake gave me a little smile as he passed by Eric and I on his way to Jennifer. Eric gave Jake the thumbs up.

Oh gross, I thought. Ew, ew, ew, please don't let him touch my bare skin, please don't let him touch my bare skin.

He touched my bare skin. Oh gross, oh gross, oh gross. I am going to die.

"Hey!" I said. "Watch the hands. And stop staring at my breasts!"

As Jennifer and Jake danced past us, I could hear them both laughing at my comment. I shot them a nasty look. Rebecca, on the other side of the dance floor, looked quite satisfied at my misery. I couldn't help but keep wondering why she was so pissed at me.

Bridesmaid Lotto (USA Today bestselling author)Where stories live. Discover now