Chapter 37

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Watching August up on that stage I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. I don't know why he was uneasy about going up there on stage. It's not like we knew any of these people and were going to see any of them again. He looked like a pro up there, he wasn't only sexy but he was talented to. I could imagine him doing this for a living, the females screaming and crying over him, going crazy.

When I heard the intro to So Anxious I and everyone else watched in anticipation as he started to sing. The place was quiet but halfway through the song people started clapping and sending praises his way which obviously only motivated him to give it his all making the song his own. You would of thought he was Ginuwine himself the way he had every female in the place drooling at the mouth. But they weren't the only ones...

He barely looked at the lyrics on the screen because he knew the lyrics by heart. It was hard for me to take my eyes off of him especially with the way he gazed back at me, it was like we were the only two people in the room. When the lyrics got more explicit combined with the way he was looking at me I clamped my legs shut.

Once he was done I thought I was going to be the one screaming the loudest but a table of girls had me beat. The way they were screaming you would of thought that you we were at a Chris Brown/ and Trey Songz concert. He smiled bashfully and handed the microphone over to the announcer who looked like she was hot and bothered herself.

As he made his way off the stage and headed back to our table several people complimented him, mostly women. Instead of becoming jealous I just smiled because he was all mine.

When he reached our table I rained him in praises and kiss.

"That wasn't so bad was it," I smiled at him. Instead of going back to his side of the booth he sat next to me.

"It was aight," he tried to downplay it but I could see how much he enjoyed himself up there, "Now it's your turn."

I shook my head, "That wasn't part of the deal besides no one can top what you just did up there."

"That's fine," he leaned back in his seat, "You don't got to go up there cause the way I figure, " I was watching him but I should have been watching his hands because I almost jumped when I felt his cold hand snake up my thigh, "I'll have you singing by the night is over anyway."

"Y-your hand is cold," I shivered but it wasn't because his hands were cold.

"Are they," instead of moving his hand off of me he kept it going up my thigh until it disappeared between my legs but before he could go further I clamped my legs shut.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I told him. I really didn't but it was only 7 something and I wanted to finish having a good time and I was on the verge of saying fuck it and dragging him back to our hotel suite.

"Do you," he licked his lips.

"Yes," I tried my best not to stare at his lips, "So can you move."

"Say please."


He leaned in and stole a kiss before sliding out the booth so I could get out. I stood up and pulled down my dress but instead of him sitting back down he stood standing with me.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom with you," he spoke as if it was obvious.

I put my hand on his chest and took a step back, "I don't think so."

With that I turned away from him and headed to the bathroom to get away from him and calm myself down.

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