Chapter 28

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I had just a few weeks left before the baby was due and I was anxious. Everything was prepped and ready once our little princess made her way into the world. I was exhausted but August has been amazing. I had told him straight up to get his work done now because once our baby got here he was going to be on lockdown. Until she was at least six months old.

I was over being pregnant, at first I admit it was kind of fun knowing this little person was growing inside of you and now I just wanted her out. I was back on bed rest, doctors orders since I was so close to my due date. This time I had no problem with that because I couldn't get up out of bed without breaking a sweat. August was home every day catering me and

"August," I called out to him.

It took him a while but soon enough he was coming in the room. One look at my face and he was frowning and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Tell daddy what's wrong?"

"Not funny," I rolled my eyes, "Can you give me a massage?"

"Can you give me some pussy?"

"August," I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious, my back hurts."

"I'm serious to."

I sucked my teeth and he sighed, "Aight because I love you I'ma give you a massage and I'm a run the water so you can take a bubble bath."

I tried to hide my smile, "And cuddle with me?"


"And make me your mom's pancakes, a big stack, with extra butter," I drooled just thinking about them.

He smiled, "Is that it?"

I gave him a smile and nodded my head, "Thank you."

By the time I was done with my bubble bath he was done with the pancakes and after stuffing my face we laid down and cuddled and just like I knew I would I ended up falling asleep.

After my quick nap I was on the bed looking though the box of pictures my mom gave me. I was trying to organize everything in different albums and I was about thirty minutes in when I was calling August in from the living room.

I swore every time I called his name he was thinking in the back of his head that it was time time.

"What," he asked coming into the room no more than five seconds later.

"I'm thirsty, can you bring me some water?"

I smiled sweetly and he nodded leaving the room. I continued looking through the box of stuff my mom gave me finally. Looking at pictures of me when I was younger, us all together was bittersweet. We all looked so happy, who would of thought.

"Here you go," August came back in handing me a water bottle.

"Thank you," I smiled and was low key glad when he sat next to me and picked up a picture and laughed. It was a picture of me and my dad, he was helping me ride a bike. August sat next to me and August was looking at pictures with me.

He picked up a picture of my dad by himself and looked at it.

"Ya'll kinda look alike."

"You tryna say I look like a man?"

"You know what I mean."

"I know," I smiled nudging him.

"What was he like," he asked after a while.

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