Chapter 8

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Today was the first official checkup and I was happy to say the least. I canceled everything I had to do today. Everybody knew not to call me unless it was a matter of life or death because nothing was more important to me then this today.

I actually started to get ready ahead of time and as I laced up my J's she walked out the closet dressed and ready to go.

Even dressed in a plain old t-shirt, jeans and sneakers she looked flawless and couldn't help but stop what I was doing and stare. She walked and stood in front of the mirror and admired herself before starting to tie her hair back.

She paused when she noticed me staring at her through the reflection in the mirror and smiled before going back to finishing up her hair.

"I know I'm beautiful but do you have to stare so hard," she asked turning around to look at me with a cocky smile on her face.

"Aint nobody staring at you," I finished lacing up my shoes and stood up from the bed

"Sure you weren't," she smiled and turned back around to look in the mirror and started messing around with her hair some more.

"Can you hurry ya' slow ass up so we can go?"

She paused and turned to face me putting her hand on her hip.

"My appointment isn't for another hour so don't rush me," she rolled her eyes before turning back around to look in the mirror and continuing what she was doing.

Shaking my head I grabbed my phone and walked out the room and sat down on the couch. She better be lucky that I loved her smart mouth ass.

As expected no one had got in contact with me all day but only a few people knew my real number now. After I let Kash answer my phone a few times she started doing it more often and when one of my old hoes texted me out of the blue Kash went off on her and on me she basically threatened me into changing my number.

Kash finally walked in the room looking through her wallet.

"What are you looking for," I asked her as I stood up and put my phone in my pocket.

"I'm making sure I have everything I need," she said pulling out of her wallet and looked inside and I watched as she looked inside, and frowned pulling out a few cards looking them over before putting them away and putting her wallet back in her purse.

"You got everything," I asked her.


"You sure?"

"I said yes," she rolled her eyes at me and walked over and stood by the door with her hands on her hip and all I could do was shake my head and laugh at her and her attitude. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones making her act out but it aint nothing I couldn't handle.

I put my hat on and grabbed my keys and as I walked to the door so we could leave she walked out the room and into the kitchen.

I waited about a minute and she walked out the kitchen with a water bottle and a pack of crackers in her hands.

I opened up the front door so she could walk out. I was about to tell her that I knew she would forget something but she held up hand in my face.

"Shut up."

She walked out the door and I laughed and closed and locked the door behind me.

We made it to the appointment early thanks to my rushing and after Kash signed in and filled out some paperwork all there was to do now was wait. While she played a game on her phone I picked up one of the magazines on the table and started skimming through it. After a few minutes I put it down because I ain't feel like reading at all and I started at the clock waiting for someone to call us back.

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