Chapter 21

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Today was the big day, I was officially 21 but instead of getting drunk like most would be I was attending my baby shower. I woke up early because I was heading to August's mom house because the girls wanted my opinions on setting everything up. I told them I could care less but they insisted I come over anyway. I took a bath, showered and dressed in some sweats and plain t shirt and sneakers and packed my outfit for the shower in my tote bag along with everything else I needed. I walked out of the bedroom with my bag and sighed sitting on the couch next to August.

"Ready to go," he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded and he looked me over.

"You wearing that?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face, "Why would that be problem?"

"Nah you look beautiful in whatever," he shrugged.

All week long he had been giving me compliments, he was trying though. I give him a A for effort.

My cell phone vibrated and it was the girls telling me they were downstairs. I made an move to stand up and August helped me by grabbing my hand, and after standing I slowly pulled it out of his grasp and he grabbed my bag.

"I'm going to walk you downstairs and carry your bag, come on," he motioned for me to follow and I knew he wasn't taking no for an answer so we left and we took the elevator downstairs so I could meet up with the girls.

"I'll see you later aight?"

I simply nodded my head and he leaned in and pecked my cheek before doing the same to my stomach.

"Drive safe."

"I will" Danielle assured him before he closed the door and backed up so we could pull off.


No more than five minutes after Kash left, there was a knock on the door. I opened up the door and seen D standing there in some sweats clothes.

"Ready to work," I asked after I locked the door after him.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope," I shook my head leading the way to the Nursery.


It took us a little over an hour to paint the room and close to another one to set up the furniture in the room. After that it was close to 1 and the baby shower started at 2 so I knew I wasn't going to make it there in time for it to start but maybe that would work out in my favor. After setting up the room D drove back to his place to get ready while I did the same, he was coming to pick me back up.

I went outside, took the license plate off of Kash's car and took everything out of it so I could transfer it to her new car. After clearing out all of her stuff I left the keys in the glove box so the company I called could pick it up. After that I hurried upstairs and got ready dressing in the outfit I picked out for today and just after 2 D pulled up and we drove to the car lot and I walked in grabbed the keys and followed D to my moms house.

On the way there I was anxious, all I knew was that I wanted shit to get back to normal. Pulling up to the house it was kind of packed but as promised my mom saved me the spot in the driveway and I pulled in and got out meeting D by the front door.

"You think she's going to like it," I asked him.

"She's your wife, you should know what she likes," D shrugged, "All I know is I hope it aint a bribe."

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