Chapter 29

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After Kashmere found out about her having a lil brother she's been quiet and every time I would ask her if she wanted to talk about it she would tell me there wasn't nothing to talk about and change the subject. On top of that she was stressed because she had a few days until the due date and at the appointment yesterday the doctor told us that she wasn't dilated enough and she may be over due.

The doctor suggested that we go on walks and after I pulled her out of bed that's what we did. It was a nice day out and so we ended up at the park. We hadn't been walking no more than twenty minutes and she was already breathing like she had run a mile.

"Can we stop now," she asked me.

"We just started."

"And I'm tired."

It was funny seeing her so tired and lazy. Usually she would be up before seven in the morning on most days and even when she barely got any sleep you could never tell. So seeing her tired and out of breathe all the time was funny.

"You not even trying."

"I am trying, I'm walking aren't I?"

"Barely. What happened to my little energizer bunny huh?"

She rolled her eyes at my old nickname for her back when she used to dance, "You knocked her up that's what happened to her."

"Let's at least walk for another ten minutes and then you sit and rest."

"Ten minutes," she complained as if I said a hour instead of ten minutes.

"Yes ten minutes and if you don't get the moving I'm upping it to twenty minutes."

She sucked her teeth but kept walking, this time she was moving faster and mumbling shit under her breath. Obviously shit about me but I didn't care, I was ready for my daughter to get here just as much as she was ready to get all this over with.

She was moving so fast now that I had to move faster to keep up with her. We walked for another fifteen minutes before she got to tired to carry on and we took a seat on one of the park benches. She sat down and placed a hand on her stomach.

"You good?"

She nodded, "I'm fine."

I nodded my head thinking that this was the perfect time for us to talk about what's been on her mind.

"What about everything else?"

"What do you mean," she asked but I knew she was just trying to stall.

"You finding out you had a brother. You keep saying your fine but I told you time and time again you don't have to hide what your feeling with me."

"I'm not hiding nothing from you. You keep bringing it up and I don't know what you want me to tell you."

Before I could say anything else she spoke up again.

"How do you think I feel? I feel like I've been lied to for most of my life. It was bad enough that my dad had an affair, I could get over that but for him to have a baby with another women. A baby that I used to babysit all the time and go next door just to play with. All that time he was my brother and I feel stupid for not noticing the similarities sooner."

"You feel stupid for what I don't know but you don't need to. You didn't know and yeah maybe your dad should of told you but maybe he never got the chance. Hell I don't blame your mom for not telling you either, maybe she didn't know how. And even if you did know you guys moved away."

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