Chapter 6

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Tonight was the night of August's birthday bash and also the night I would deliver the big news. I had everything all planned out. I had my sonogram picture in a baby frame and it was gift wrapped and after midnight I was going to pull him aside and give it to him.

As of right now though I planned to sleep until as long as I could if I was going to be up all night tonight. I ended up sleeping until three in the afternoon after waking up at ten, eating and then falling back to sleep.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and headed out the room to find August. He was in the living room on laid back on the couch, control in one hand, feet propped up on the coffee table with the other hand inside his basketball shorts.

My destination was to the kitchen but once we locked eyes I walked over and sat next to him


"What do you mean finally?"

"I was lonely, yo ass been sleep all damn day."

"Well I need my beauty rest."

"Then what you doing up for?"

I attempted to move away from him but he grabbed my arm to stop me.

I looked at him and the hand he had on my arm.

"I know that's not the hand you had down your pant?"


I jerked away from him, "Your disgusting."

"My hand was cold," he shrugged looking me over. I was in one of my oversized shirts I used as pajama's and hot pink boy shorts and the way I was sitting gave him a nice view. I knew what he wanted but I wasn't in the mood and I haven't been for days now.

"No," I shook my head before he could even speak on what he was thinking, and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"You still," he hinted like he didn't want to ask me if I was on my cycle.

"I'm just not in the mood."

"You remember this the next time I turn you down."

I laughed at that, "You never turn me down."

He looked at me because he knew I was a hundred percent telling the truth.

I wasn't in the mood for sex, but I was in the mood for food.

I looked at him turning on the charm by pouting a bit and rubbing my stomach.

"Can you go bring me some food?"

"You got legs."

"Please," I pouted rubbing my stomach, "I'm starving."

"You the one that's supposed to be caterin' to me, it's my birthday."

"It aint your birthday yet," I reminded him, "Please August, pretty please."

"Pretty please with you on top?"

"Pretty please I love you," I smiled hoping that would do the trick.

He looked at me like he was debating on getting up but it was all a front I knew. He stood up dropping the remote on the coffee table.

"And make sure you wash your hands please" I called after him.

He had no idea this was only the beginning. Tomorrow may have been this birthday but these next few months he was going to be catering to my ever need.

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