Chapter 9

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Then I finally saw her. We were now brought towards a wide hall. I didn’t know how long we were kept in the dungeons but I see now that Lotuz and Mina seemed to grow taller. I believe it was the same for me. And yet we were mere children in stature compared to everyone around us. The ceiling was built high and there were no windows or anything. It was just like a massive version of the chamber before. In the far end corner were three seats made of black marble like the rest of the walls and floor. There were angels about and there in the cage hanging from a beam I saw her. The rags she wore were now clinging almost to her bones and yes, her hair is a mass of red and black like it was eaten by angry coals. It was badly burnt like what I heard.

She appears not to see us though Lotuz was then starting to scream out her name. He was struggling like a wild animal as he bit and kick at his capturers. The cage was then lowered down and she was carried out.

The one called Jharus came and took his seat on one of the marble thrones. He was a great angel as I perceived. His aura is much brighter than that I have seen in Kahel or anyone. As expected, his face was neither warm nor cold, but with that mask of gentleness alluring for trust.

Cerise wore the face of someone who’d been decapitated for a hundred times. This was worse than what I saw in Mina before. Her beauty remained unblemished except that it was now like the beauty of a wandering soul.

“I failed! How could I have not foreseen this!” suddenly, I heard the broken voice of Ariz beside me. He was already brought forward with us. I noticed that his face looked gaunt and that his eyes were sunken as if he were never able to get any sleep at all. I was glad to see that the wound on his abdomen looked healed now, but he was deeply grieved. He looked at me and motioned me to move closer to him and since the guard looking out for me hadn’t put any restraint, I moved a little.

“I am truly sorry. I was probably too late. But I never thought they’d do this…”

“D- do what…?” I was afraid though to know the answer. I got the feeling of dread like when we were at the arena. This couldn’t mean something like that…

“It is going to be worse. And they brought me here to watch it…” Ariz cannot be consoled. And as I feared, they let go of Lotuz who then run scrambling on the floor towards Cerise who was seated motionless beside her open cage. I saw the subtle smile of Jharus and I knew then what they ought to do. No, of course not. They will not do the bloodshed; it will be us who will need to destroy each other with their command. This thought struck me and it was already too late.

I wanted to run to them but Ariz held me back. His eyes were already glistening with tears and I thought it was weakening to see your angel cry. I was horrified and I couldn’t help but cry out the name of Lotuz who was now in the hands of Cerise as her hands were wrapped tightly on his throat. Lotuz wouldn’t fight back. He was trying to call out her name in vain…trying to just get away from her grip.  He would look at me every now and then but he is not trying to get help, he was trying to give me a message. Help Cerise get out of here…

I heard the choking coughs of Lotuz. Nobody stirred from the room. It was like everyone is a marble statue as well, just waiting how the carnage would end. It was then that Lotuz screamed as Cerise forced her fingernails into his eye socket. I saw the blood poured out and the veins pulled as his right brown eyeball came out and was squeezed in her bloody hands. Then came out the left one accompanied with yet another piercing scream.

I was screaming as well for her to stop, but it was all inside my head. My eyes were already filled with tears. I didn’t know how long did Lotuz struggle but now he lay motionless though I could still feel his rasp breathing. Cerise was still sitting on top of him as she was now slicing him in slow motion. I didn’t know where she got the dagger but I believe it was from Jharus. The blade went on cutting his skin as she was rocking back in forth in the rhythm of her humming. His face could no longer be distinguished for the skin had all but left their place. She was already working on his scalp and the floor was already soaked in blood, but Lotuz is still alive in there!

Vespers (Fields of the Nephilim: Interlude)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα