Chapter 4

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I felt the hard slap on my face before I managed to open my eyes. I blinked once, twice….the dim light wasn’t enough but from the darkness I’ve been through, it seemed bright enough. Before I even realized, all the pain I’ve felt shot right through me in an instant. I am not dead, that is for sure. I was still lying there in that corner with the young corpses; some fresh, and some were almost in the process of decay. Maggots were already clinging unto me as well but I just couldn’t find the thoughts of complaining or feeling dread. The shadow towering above me moved fast as he again tried to lift my head. I didn’t know how I suddenly came up with the idea that this was not a woman. It must have been my instinct but I felt it wasn’t really important then. My mind was still clouded with my last memory. With Lune.

“Wake up, yes that’s good. Now drink Cien” and with this soothing voice, I felt the cold flask being pressed into my mouth as the Good Samaritan let me drink yet another draught of that sweet liquid which I have once tasted from my father’s flask. I drank in haze and felt my body enliven slowly.

“What do you call it Lune?” I think I murmured and he laughed softly, the tip of his hair flowing right into my cheek like the gentle caress of my unknown mother.

“It’s only water. You are still delirious and there’s not enough time. I need to get you out of here quick” and with this, I felt myself being lifted from the ground easily. I heard other voices in the shadows. Everything is in a hushed whisper. I tried to make out something of it and I thought I heard the voice of Lotuz. Yes he was there, not bounded with shackles anymore but was cloaked in a heavy cloth of dark wool which he finally wrapped around my frail body. I was still in the arms of the stranger whom I presumed to be Lune. Where are the others? Why are there only three of us? I mused as I struggle to look around. We are still inside the arena which is now empty aside from some bodies thrown out the blood-soaked ground. The torches were still lighted and the cracklings seem to go on forever. There was that cold chill in the wind as we passed through the shadows and out into the open space.

I could feel the hands of Lotuz gripping mine tightly and every now and then, he would lay down his cold palm unto my forehead. I felt hot and feverish all over and I wanted to ask them if I could die from it. Every now and then, I would drink from the silver flask but most of the time I was dreaming.

When my head finally cleared, I was in a ramshackle cabin and I was propped up in a withered bunk. The cloak was still wrapped around me and the rags I wore were already gone. The dried blood all over me was all washed out as well. There was a single candle in the corner and a pitcher of water and some pieces of bun on top of a stone slab beside me. I drank from the pitcher greedily and without second thoughts, gobbled up the entire bun I could grasp. I don’t feel much pain from my wounds anymore but the hunger is defeating.  As I was devouring the last crumb, I heard the footstep of a newcomer. He wore a smile on his lips as he entered and sat down beside the candlelight so I could see his face. The raven black hair, the same green eyes….

“Lune----“ I whispered as he came nearer towards me. It was then I saw that I’ve mistaken his eyes to be green when in fact it was a deep hue of cobalt, and that his expression were much softer than anyone else. Not to mention that easy smile, and he was garbed in the same fashion as that of our capturers!

“No, don’t be afraid. I’m Ariz, and yes I am one of them but not entirely” he said. I tried to relax and put the rest of the bun in my mouth absent mindedly which actually sent him to soft laughter. I remember that laugh; he was the one who took me out of the arena.

“I..I ate all the buns..” was all I could say in an apologetic murmur.

“That is good. That is not enough though” and with this, he left and came back with a small sack which he emptied in front of me. My eyes grew wide and felt my stomach rumble…just when I thought I was already famished.

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