Chapter 22

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The tears from Mina’s eyes were heartbreaking. It was like she was torn between her own life and death. She was silently shaking her head but nonetheless, she started walking towards me. Sensing the danger, I backed out from her. She was now eyeing me dangerously. From my peripheral view, I could see now that Lune was struggling and that he was angry.

“Mina, don’t do it I beg you!” he suddenly shouted but Mina seemed deaf even to her own brother’s voice. She suddenly brought forth her white wings as she flew towards me with a sudden blow. I was caught in the abdomen and this had sent me flying down the ground. Before I could even think of standing up, she was already on top of me, pinning me down.

As I looked into her amethyst eyes, I knew then there was no escape and that she’d kill me. My hands groped for anything from the ground but there was only dirt. I don’t want to fight Mina but I might as well need to cut her, but I don’t have any weapon. The dagger was once again taken from me. I felt her hands wrapped around my neck and I was desperate. I tried to push her but I couldn’t do it without having to hurt her. When I was finally free from her grasp, I was gasping for air, so was she as once again she was getting ready for another attack.

“Both of you, stop it…” Lune said. His voice sounded tired like it wasn’t his own.

“Why Lune, aren’t you enjoying this? Look how devoted they are to you” the Cherub was saying as he appeared to be enjoying his own sport.

“Why don’t you just kill me!”

“That wouldn’t be fun now. Look at them, why don’t we wait for whomever wins to take your head?” then he was laughing as he tossed the dagger towards me. I took this immediately as I dodged Mina’s attack once again. This time I was able to pin her and as I aimed the dagger towards her left thigh just so I could injure her, I heard Lune’s voice again and this time it was a more desperate pleading.

“Cien, please don’t hurt your sister…” it was as if his voice was the harsh whispering of the wind and it was too late. Mina uttered a piercing cry as the blade of the dagger cut through her skin and at the same time, I felt the blade of her own sword cutting mine in the abdomen. I backed away from her as she tried to stand up with the blood pouring down her leg. The wound I caused couldn’t be that fatal, I thought. The tears were still pouring down her cheek as she slowly limped towards me dragging the sword dripping with my own blood. I couldn’t believe what I just heard, that she was my sister! But for sure, Lune wasn’t telling any more lies. Well he never told me any lies for that matter!

The Cherub must have heard it as well and now he was even more excited and euphoric. He was almost dancing as he applauded the whole thing. I even saw him kissed Lune on both cheek as the latter seemed to spit on his face.

“Cien….” I heard Mina’s soft voice as she came nearer. I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen. Then I realized that she was not merely limping. She was holding her wound like she was trying to stop the blood and that she was moving like a drunk. I was sure the wound was not too deep to cause her from being dizzy. I frowned as she was trying to reach out to me.

Without any second thoughts, I run towards her not minding my own wound. Before I reached her, she collapsed on the ground. I heard Lune cursing at the Cherub and at once, I saw him finally broke his bonds. This had created a sudden riot among the angels who were guarding him. They tried to restrain him but they weren’t able to do so without a couple of them falling down.

He was stopped when he was finally held by newcomers who had suddenly descended from the above sky. These were high ranks I could tell, and I couldn’t believe it when I saw Merriel among them!

I felt Mina’s hand clasped in my own and I could feel her trembling as sweat started to run down her face. She was looking at me like it was the first time she ever saw me.

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