Training and return of Ahsoka

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Sabine P.O.V
I made a rebel/jedi diary. Now it's my new life, I want to remember it.

Diary day 1:
Is being a jedi a yey or ney? I don't wanna let them down. Kanan and Ahsoka said I have to give things up. I can't leave Ezra. It would hurt him and me and I'll never leave him for nothing in the galaxy. Mandolorians are never scared but after what Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka told me, I am and I might not want to be a jedi. Ezra said I can turn to the dark side. I don't want that to happen. I would never betray my family. I don't want to think about this right now. I have training soon and I'll do my best.

Ezra: Hey Sabine, training in 5 minutes.

Sabine: Okay. Be right there.

*Sabine goes our of her room and out to the cargo bay*

Ahsoka: Glad you made it.

Sabine: I had to come didn't I?

Ahsoka: Yes you did because this is the ultimate test.

Ezra: Test for what?

Kanan: Well me and Ahsoka agreed that if Sabine can use the force, she will have to train with her because Sabine will need a master.

Sabine: Wait, Ahsoka didn't you leave the Jedi order?

Ahsoka: Yes, wait who told you that?

Sabine: Ezra. He said you told them when you all went to the temple.

Ahsoka: *She smiles* I did leave and I agreed to come back if you can use the force.

Ezra: Why can't she train with me?

Kanan: A master can't have 2 padawans. That's a rule. Plus I can barely train you.

Ezra: Well when me and Sabine get married, she'll change that rule.

Sabine: Ezra shut up. What makes you think we are getting married? We're just kids.

Ezra: The legend says that you will fall in love and create new rules. That's me.

Sabine: We're just dating. We may or may not have a future together.

Ezra: My statement stands. You said "may". Plus I know you will never love anyone else as much as you love me now.

*Sabine blushes*

Kanan: Okay you two, training time.

Ahsoka: Sabine let's see if you can lift that crate. Then we'll know.

Kanan: And remember to focus.

Sabine: *In a worried voice* Okay.

*Sabine is able to lift the crate. Everyone stands in amusement*

Kanan: Looks like everyone else came to watch you.

Sabine: I can do it. I lift the crate. Yes!

*Suddenly a yellow blast comes shooting out of Sabine's hand*

Sabine: Did I do that?

Ahsoka: Guess it's true. Kanan what do you think?

Kanan: I think she better not stick her hand out again.

Ezra: Sabine has some sort of magic...just like the story said. Sabine is a jedi!

Sabine: *screams* No no. It can't be.

Ahsoka: Kanan, I'll take Sabine to the Phantom and you train Ezra here today. We will train tomorrow.

Kanan: Turns training...I agree. Okay Ezra come here, time for training.

Ezra: *goes to Sabine and whispering her ear* I'll see you later love.

*Ezra kisses Sabine and then goes to Kanan and Sabine follows Ahsoka*

~Time skip~

*Ezra walks over to Sabine's room and sees her painting. Goes over to her and covers her eyes*

Ezra: Guess who?

Sabine: Is it Hera?

Ezra: Guess again?

Sabine: Kanan?

Ezra: Nope.

Sabine: Zeb?

Ezra: Your kidding, right?

Sabine: Yes, I know it's you Ezra. *removes Ezra's hands from her eyes. Ezra goes to sit on the available couch the other side of Sabine's table*

Ezra: What are you doing?

Sabine: I'm coloring the cover of my rebel/jedi diary.

Ezra: I'm I in there?

Sabine: *says in a joking voice* Yeah and also our future.

*they both laugh*

Ezra: So, how was training with Ahsoka?

Sabine: Good. I'm glad she joined the Jedi again. Today we just talked about rules and special techniques for fighting.

Ezra: Cool. All I did was saber fight. Kanan doesn't talk much. *gets sad and looks down*

Sabine: *Gets up and goes over to Ezra. She sits next to him* You okay Ez?

Ezra: *sad tone* Sometimes I just wonder if Kanan even wants to train me. I know he cares for me and that I'm his first padawan and it's hard at the first try but it feels like if he doesn't trust me.

Sabine: *holds Ezra's hand* It's okay. He cares for you and he's happy that he finally has someone to relate to. He's happier than before you arrived. Your his padawan. It's okay to feel this way. Ahsoka told me she felt like that too when she started her training. I bet Kanan felt the same. Now you and me. It will be fine.

*Ezra puts his arm around Sabine's waist. He kisses her. Sabine then gets closer and puts her head on his shoulder*

Ezra: Thanks Sabine. I'm so happy were fanally together. I'm grateful for that and that you understand me.

Sabine: I'm here for you Ez. Now you might need to go. It's almost lights out.

Ezra: No. You make me too happy so we can just stay here together tonight, if you want, love.

Sabine: Yeah you can stay. I feel protected with you. Plus I'm comfortable now. And never stop calling me "love".

Ezra: Okay, guess I'm staying.

*They stay there cuddled up and eventually fall asleep. Kanan goes in to check on them. He smiles and turns of the lights*

Kanan: Goodnight padawans.

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