Chapter Eight

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A month later.

Ash's Pov

Its been a month. Four weeks. 28 days. 672 hours. 40320 minutes. And 2419200 seconds. Both Stevie and Ally have been in a coma. They'll both recover, the doctor says. Everything will be fine, the doctor says but it doesn't feel like it. It doesn't feel like everything is going to be okay. It doesn't feel like they're both going to recover. You want to know what it feels like? It feels like time has stopped but is still going. It feels like everything moves in slow motion. Every breath I take, is one neither one of them has taken. I rarely leave this hospital. I go back and forth from their rooms, even though they're both right next to each other. I'm afraid. I'm afraid one is going to wake up and the other will not. I'm afraid maybe neither one of them will. I know neither one of them can live without the other. They both have to wake up. They just have to. I can't wait to tell them about Jess. She got charged with first degree murder, two counts of attempted murder, stalking, battery, and use of a deadly weapon. The courts and judge and such are waiting until they wake up to see if the charges remain the same. If neither or only one wake up, the charges of attempted will change. One will or both but I know my girls are strong.

I'm sitting in Stevie's room and my parents are in Ally's room. I guess I must have drifted of to sleep because when I woke up, there was a different feeling in the room. "You've been asleep for quite some time." Someone said. I looked around for the voice. "Right here, hot rod." I looked at Stevie. She was awake. "Stevie, you're awake!" I said pretty loud while taking her in my arms. "Yes. How long have I been out?" She asked as I sat back down. "Well, you and Ally have been out for about a month now." I said. Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?" She asked, her voice shaky. "You guys have been in comas due to brain issues. I'm not real good at medical stuff. I'll get the doctor." I kissed her head and left.

A few days later. Stevie's Pov.

The doctors have been running tests these last few days and I'm finally allowed to leave. But I don't want to leave. Ally still hasn't woken up yet and I'm crazy scared that if I leave, it'll be the end. I haven't even gone to see her yet. I'm just really nervous. I took a deep breath and finally went to Ally's room. She looked so different. I took her hand. I couldn't even attempt to fight the tears. Ash walked in. "Hey, I didn't know you were in here." He said sitting on the other side of her bed. "Yeah,I couldn't put of seeing her anymore." I took her hand. "Well call me if you need anything. I'll give you some privacy." He said. He hugged me. "Wait. Weren't you supposed to go back to the army?" "I had responsibilities to take care of here. And besides I couldn't bring myself leave while either one of you were in that condition." I nodded as he walked out. I looked at Ally. "Ally? Baby? Are you there?" I kissed her hand. "You have to wake up. You have to. I can't live without you. You're my everything. Baby, you have to wake up. Please. Please. Please." I said. I put my head on our hands, closing my eyes. I felt a slight squeeze on my hand. I thought it was nothing but then it happened again. "Of course I'm here, baby." Ally said in just barely a whisper. I looked up at her. Is she really awake? As if she read my mind, she nodded. I leaned up and kissed her lips gently. I pulled away and put my forehead against hers. "I'll get the doctor."I said walking towards the door. "Stevie?" I turned to look at her. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too."

The doctors did the same to Ally as they did me. And before I knew it, we were walking back into our apartment. Ash had gotten us new flooring in the living room. Ally and I have gotten even closer, if that's even possible. I was sitting on the couch on Tumblr and Ally came out and sat on my lap. "Will you go on a date with me?" She asked. I kissed her gently. "Is that a yes?" I nodded and kissed her again. That night we headed out to a Forest Gump themed restaurant.

Ally's Pov

We were out on a date. These past weeks have been hell. I just hope that Stevie will say yes. I started getting visibly nervous. "Ally,are you okay?" She asked. Now. Now's the time. "Stevs, I have something for you. Can you turn around and read this?" I said handing her the note. "Why do I have to turn around?" "Just do it please?" I gave her the pouted lip. She signed but turned around. I motioned for Tyler to come over. He is going to record this. He pulled out his phone and started recording. I got the ring out and got on one knee. "Ally, if this is a prank, I swear I will kill you. You don't joke around about this." Stevie said. She eventually turned around. "Wouldn't dream of it. Stevie, I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest most grateful person in the universe by answering this question. Will you marry me?" I said. She was crying but she nodded. "Yes. Yes I will." I slid the ring on her finger and hugged her tight.

Stevie's Pov

I turned around and unfolded the note. It read:

Stevie, I'm sorry for all the fighting. I love you so so very much. You're so beautiful, funny and perfect. How did I get so lucky? You are someone that I can't ever imagined losing. I love you do very much. I love everything about you. Even the little weird things you do. My favorite thing has to be whenever I go to wake you up and you grab me and make me touch you in some way. Even though it's rather aggressive, it's still so very cute. Or whenever you say 'look at how hot my girlfriend is'. You're just so perfect. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Now you're probably wondering why I asked you to turn around and read this. Well the reason is right now, I'm kneeling behind you on one knee holding a diamond ring. Turn around and see if I'm lying.


I smiled but I have never even seen Ally write this or have a ring. "Ally, if this is a prank, I swear I will kill you. You don't joke around about this." I said. I waited a few seconds and turned around. There she was on one knee. "Wouldn't dream of it. Stevie, I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest most grateful person in the universe by answering this question. Will you marry me?" She said. I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. "Yes. Yes I will." I said. She slid the ring on my finger and hugged me tight. I smiled into her. I'm taller than her but I leaned down and picked her up and spun her around. "I love you so much." She said. I kissed her forehead. "You have no idea how much I love you more." Everybody in the restaurant cheered.

And my life with the love of my life started.

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