Chapter Two

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Ally's Pov

I woke up the next morning and as usual I expected Stevie still passed out next to me. She wasn't. Fuck. What did I do now? Then I went to sit up on my elbows and the pain hit me. Oh, that's it. I got up and showered. I walked into the living room. Stevie looks beautiful in the morning even if she's cramped up on the couch. Despite the fact that she's bigger than me, I managed to carry her to our bed. I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. It wasn't until an hour later that Stevie finally came downstairs, showered and everything. She ignored me and sat down at the table on her phone. I got up from the couch and went over and sat on her lap facing her. "Stevie...I know you saw my wrist last night." She looked me in the eyes. "Why? Why would you? You promised me you wouldn't do it again." If only i could tell her that I did it because I am in love with her and her being with Tyler is killing me slowly. "I can't tell you." I tried getting off her lap but she pulled me back. She gave me pouty eyes. "Fine. Um I...I am in love with... I'm in love with somebody." I said. She practically knocked me over jumping out of her seat and out from under me. "WHAT? THE ALLY HILLS IS IN LOVE WITH SOMEBODY?!" She screamed while jumping up and down. I watched as she fell on the couch breathing heavily. She got back up and walked over to me. "Who? Who has finally stolen the heart of yours?" She asked but her phone rang. Thank God!

The next few days all Stevie talked about was her image of who she thought my crush was. She kept asking me so many questions. Luckily I dodged them and kept from answering. It was now Saturday once again and we were going to a party in my neighbors house. My neighbor was also in our school so almost everybody showed up. Stevie was drinking and dancing with Tyler. I was drinking but not as heavily as her. She liked to party but her hangovers weren't even that bad. Lucky bitch.

After so many hours of partying, everyone started leaving. I spotted Stevie getting yet another drink. I walked up to her. "Stevie, its time to leave." I slung her arm over my shoulder and walked outside and across the street to my apartment building. She puked in the elevator. Thank God nobody was in the halls. We finally made it to my room on the fifth floor. I took her to the bathroom where she puked her guts out and I held her hair. She barely made it to our room. I laid her on the bed and took off her sneakers. I covered her up and kissed her head. "Ally?" She said in her drunken way as I was leaving. I turned around. "Yeah?" "Who are you in love with?" Knowing she probably won't remember anything. I gulped. "I am in love with you. I am in love with you Stevie, the only one I can't obtain. My best friend. Its you. It has been you since we met. I love you." I turned and walked away as she started lightly snoring. I leaned against the wall. I finally told her whether she will remember or not. I put a bottle of water and a plate of cinnamon buns next to our bed on her side and went to sleep on the couch.

Stevies Pov

I woke up in bed alone and with a headache. I opened my eyes. Her side hadn't even been slept in. I rolled over to see my clock but there was a plate of cinnamon buns and a bottle of water blocking it. I grabbed one of the three and went to shower. I don't really get hungover and Ally hates that.

After showering, I finished those cinnamon buns and the water. I walked into the living room to find no Ally. As if on cue, she walked through the door. She was only wearing basketball shorts and a sports bra. She went running but she hasn't done that in awhile. She was covered in sweat and had ear buds in. She didn't even look at me as she went to shower. I nodded off on the couch. I woke up a half an hour later. I sat up remembering the sudden dream I had just had. It was the remembrance of last night. I closed my eyes and replayed it in my mind.

I started to get another drink. "Stevie, it's time to leave." Ally said. I managed to walk as Ally helped me. I was in the elevator which had just dropped a little causing me to throw up. Ally laughed slightly. We made it to the apartment and I puked my guts out. I got laid in bed. "Ally?" I said "who are you in love with?" I did not think she was going to answer me. "I am in love with you. I am in love with you Stevie, the only one I can't obtain. My best friend. Its you. It has been you since we met. I love you." She said. I let my head hit the pillow.

That's all I remembered.

I opened my eyes. What? There was no way Ally could be in love with me. I thought about all the times I'd catch her staring at me or all the times she'd be so loving and caring. Tyler texted me asking if I wanted to hang out.

'Yo girl what you up to? You want to hang out? I'm home alone ;)'

'Who says that?? And sure I'll be there soon. ;) ;)' I texted back.

Ally still hasn't come out of the bathroom so i left a note and headed down the street to Ty's.

Ally's Pov

I couldn't even look at her. I was happy I finally told her but she would not remember so it was like I never did. She barely remembers anything after a party and when she does remember anything it's usually after she has puked her guts out. Wait. I did tell her after she puked. Well fuck. She's going to hate me. She's going to move out and go with her precious boyfriend, Tyler. God I hate that guy. I don't actually hate him. I hate the fact that he gets to hold her and kiss her and make love to her. That should be me!

I heard a knock on the door and went to get it. I opened the door and was picked up and spun around.

Ash was home.

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