Chapter Nine: Epilouge

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6 years later.

Stevie's Pov

"Mommy!" Kyle said running up to me. I had just come home from work. I'm a veterinarian. "Hi baby! Where's mommy?" I said picking him up and kissing his face all over. "She's in your room." He said. I put him down and went to the bedroom. Ally was fixing the bed sheet. I walked in and put my arms around her waist. "Honey, I'm home." I said kissing her neck. She turned around to face me. "How was work?" She asked. "Great. I have a present for you. But more importantly how was my wife's day?" I asked her. She smiled. "You know, I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of hearing that." I leaned in and kissed her softly. "Good because I'm never going to get tired of saying it." We kissed for a moment or two before a baby crying sounded. "I'll get him." I said. I walked out of the room and into our sons' nursery. "I'm getting my present!" Ally yelled and I laughed. I picked up our two month old son, Clay. Yes we named him after my brother. We named his twin brother, Ashton, after Ally's brother. I looked into the other crib and he was sound asleep. I walked out the room with Clay in my arms. I went to the living room to find Ally and Kyle playing with the kitten I had gotten her. I put Clay in his swing and sat down next to her. "So what should we name her?" Ally said. I looked at Kyle. "Sweetheart, what do you want to name the kitty?" He shrugged. "Hey babe. Do you remember what everybody used to call us in high school?" Ally asked. "How could I forget." I took the little kitten from her and kissed her nose. "Stally it is." I said. I gave the cat to Kyle and looked around the room at pictures. Pictures of my family. Ally got up and went to check on Ashton. I went to surprise her so I hid beside the door. I could hear her talking.

"Who would have thought that I'd be here right now? I mean I wouldn't have pictured myself like this but I'm so happy it did. You know sweetie you're too young to understand this right now but I'm going to tell you anyway. I met your mother when I was eight years old. She tripped and spilled stuff all over me at the mall. I was with your uncle Ash. You'll never get to meet him. He died before you were born. You'll never get to meet your uncle Clay either but I promise you, you'll know who they were and how such great men they were. But anyway back to your mom. I've loved her ever since that day. It took 9 and a half years and a coma for me to get her to be my wife but I did it. And look at us now. We have three beautiful sons, a lovely home, a new kitten and we still have each other. You and your brothers are going to be real taken care of I promise. I'll never let anything happen to you. And if you don't believe me then ask your mother. I keep my promises. I made a promise to your uncle to take care of her and I will keep it. I'm making a promise to you right now that I will always love you and protect you and your brothers just like I would mommy. Because you guys are my family."

I smiled. Yep. This is our family.

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