Chapter Seven

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Jess's Pov

She thinks she can take Ally away from me? We'll see. When I saw her at that party by herself, I knew it was time for revenge. I put on my best fake smile and offered her drink. Which she stupidly took. Little did she know, I had just drugged her. I brought her here to my tree house that nobody even remembers that I have. Well that's enough dear diary. She's waking up now.

I set my diary down as I saw Ally open her eyes.

Ally's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes. Jesus Christ, my head hurts. I seen Jess writing in what looks like a diary. She put it down when she saw my eyes open. "So you're awake, bitch?" She came over and slapped me across the face. I just looked at her. No words would come out. "I don't want to hurt you but I will if that bitch doesn't leave you alone." "Don't you dare hurt Stevie!" I yelled at her. She walked over and caressed my cheek. "Sweetheart, if she knows what's good for her, I wont have to." She walked to the door. " I have to go back to the party. Don't worry nobody's going to find you." She said. All I could do is sit in the chair tied up.

Stevie's Pov

It's been two hours since Ally has disappeared. Tyler call the cops and they were now questioning everyone. I sat on the stairs just staring around at all the faces. How could have nobody seen where Jess had taken her? I kept looking around at all the faces until I saw that bitch walk through the door. "What the fuck are you doing?! Where the hell is Ally?!" I screamed in her face. She smirked. Everybody started looking at us. "You'll never find her." She whispered right before a cop walked over. "Is there a problem here?" He asked. "Yes! She's the one who took Ally! She's Jess." The cop looked at her then me. "Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down and go home. We have your statement and we'll call you if we find her." He said. I nodded and walked away. I heard him tell Jess she has to go to the police station for further questioning before I walked out the door. I walked across the street and into the apartment building. But instead of going to mine and Ally's, I went to Ash's. I knocked on the door. He opened it. "Stevie? Come in." He opened the door further and I walked in. "Is your dad here?" I said looking around. "No he is moving in officially tomorrow. What's going on? Why are you here so late?" He asked. "Ally's gone." I said before he took me in his arms. He was angry I could tell by his muscles tensing. "I'm going to call my dad you can tell us what happened together." I nodded and sat down on h couch. I heard his voice on the phone. "Hello. Where's dad? I need to talk to him. Tell him to come to my apartment now. Mom i do not have time for this right now. It is not like you care anyway. Okay, you really want to know? Ally's missing. Yeah she is now tell dad to get his ass over here." And that was the end of the call. He came back into the room. "Go up to your apartment and get some clothes. You can crash here." I nodded and went up to the apartment. I walked into the bedroom and grabbed a bag. I filled it with clothes and headed out the door. I heard something move behind me but before I could turn around I was hit in the back of the head and everything went black.

Ally's Pov

I fell asleep. I was still kind of dizzy. I woke up because of a loud thud. I opened my eyes. They opened wide. "Stevie?!" I screamed on top of my lungs. "Stevie, baby wake up!" Her eyes opened a little and she blinked a few times. Her shirt had blood on it. "Ally?" She said in a strained voice. "I'm here baby. I'm here." Jess walked into the small room carrying a body. She threw it on the floor. It was the body of a dead cop. "Man that was a workout!" Jess said. She looked at me. "Oh you're awake! I told you I wasn't going to hurt her but she got in my face." "You're not going to get away with this." I said. She walked over and got in my face. "Oh, sweetie. I already have." She said smirking. "Help! Somebody help! This bitch is crazy!!" I yelled on top of my lungs before she hit me and everything went black again. The last thing I saw was Stevie's eyes closing slowly.

Ash's Pov

I was in my apartment waiting for Stevie to come back. How could my sister be missing? I heard the front door close. "Stevie?" I hollered while walking to the living room. "No it's us." My dad said. I looked at him. "Us?" I asked. My mom stepped out from behind him. "What the hell are you doing here? You've never cared before!" I said. My dad put his hands on my shoulders. "Son, calm down. Where's Stevie?" I looked at my mom then to him. "You didn't see her?" He shook his head no. I took off out of the apartment and up to Stevie and Ally's apartment. I burst open the door. I looked through all the rooms. I went to living room. There was blood on the floor next to a bloody guitar. I rushed back to my apartment. "Call 911! Have them go upstairs! I'm going to look." I yelled into my apartment before taking off down the flights of stairs and out of the building.

I have been running around the entire city. Right now I am walking on a back road that I'm sure nobody even used anymore. I was about to turn around when I head screaming. "Help! Somebody help! This bitch is crazy!!" Yep that's Ally. I ran to the direction of the screaming. It was about a quarter mile later that I came upon this old tree house. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. "Hello, this is the police station. What is your emergency?" The voice said. "Trace my signal for my location or whatever the hell you people do to find people. I found Ally Hills and Stevie Boebi." I said and hung up the phone. I quietly stepped up the stairs to the old tree house. I peaked through the window. There was the dead body of a police officer lying on the floor. I looked behind me at the ground. There were a set of tire marks on the ground but there was no car in sight. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. There was one big room. I went over to the dead policeman's body in the corner. Yep, he was indeed dead. I heard what sounded like a groan and turned around. "Ally?! Stevie?!" I yelled. I ran over but they were both unconscious. I ran outside as the cops pulled up. "They're unconscious!" I yelled falling to my knees. "Call an ambulance!" And with that I broke down crying. My baby sister was hurt and I couldn't protect her.

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