Chapter Three

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Stevie's Pov

I went over to Tyler's. I didn't feel anything when he took me in his arms and hugged me. Or whenever he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers His kisses didn't feel the same. I backed away and left to clear my head. I walked back to the apartment. As I walked up to the door, I could faintly hear a conversation taking place. "How am I supposed to tell her? Its going to crush her." I heard Ally say. "Just don't let her see these right away. Let her have some time and then she'll decide to see them or not." A voice said. Wait who's voice is that? I know it. I burst open the door to find Ally and Ash? If he's home then where's Clay? Ash stood up and hugged me. "Hey, how've you been? I've missed you." He took a step back. "Where's Clay?" I said. They looked at each other. "Where's my brother?" I said looking at Ash. I started panicking. Ally stood up and took me in her arms. "Stevie please sit down." She said leading me to the couch. We sat down and took my hand. My arm got all warm all of a sudden but I couldn't focus on that. I looked at Ally. Her eyes filled with sorrow. Ash sat down next to me. "Stevie. There.. there was an accident... well not an accident, more of an intrusion. We were on base and there was an invasion. Clay went back into the building and it went up in flames as a grenade went off. I'm so sorry. I tried to go in after him but it was too late." He said. I froze. Ally put her arms around me and I broke down.

Ally's Pov

I feel as if I had a huge whole in my chest. Clay was my brother. At least more like family than any friend. I cried and cried. But I knew what I was feeling was nothing compared to what Stevie was feeling. For the last week since the funeral she's been in our room in bed. She has barely eaten. She hasn't showered. She hasn't said anything. I check on her all the time but it's always the same reaction. I keep thinking about the letters that Ash had given me that were found with Clay's stuff. Everything else has been given to Stevie. I don't know how she'd react to the letter he gave me. It said:

Dear Ally,

I know recently things have been getting harder for Stevie. In her last letter she told me she's been missing our parents and me a lot more. She's afraid to tell you that because she's knows you'll just get all affectionate and never leave her alone for awhile but it's a good thing she has you. I know only Ash and I know about your feelings for her but you need to tell her you're in love with her before it's too late. Don't worry, kiddo. She's probably not going to freak. Things have been great here. How are you? And another thing, if by chance you grow some balls and tell her how you feel, you better treat her right. She's the only family I have left. Well you and Ash are family but I'm talking about blood. She is my baby sister an I want her treated right. I know you will but promise me you'll always love her and put up with her stubbornness and be gentle and such. Not that I want to her about your sex life with my sister but just take care of her. I won't be around forever.

Anyway I'll see you soon. I love you, Alls.

I promise, Clay. I said in my head as I reread the letter. It was now Sunday and we haven't been to school in a week. They understand but we can't miss too much. I went to check on Stevie. She was in bed, sitting up and staring at the wall.

"Stevs?" No answer. I sat down next to her. I poked her shoulder. She blinked a few times and looked at me. "How're you feeling?" I asked. She shook her head and put it on my shoulder. "Can I have whatever it is you and Ash are keeping from me?" I raised my eyebrow. I haven't read her letter and I wouldn't because it's her business but I don't think I should let her read mine. "Umm I don't know what you're talking about. " I said trying to avoid the question. She lifted her head and looked at me. "I'm not in the mood for games, Allyson." I sighed and got up. I retrieved the letters and handed them to her. "When you read mine, don't leave or run out. Just don't hate me." I said walking out of the room.

Stevie's Pov

I knew they we're hiding something from me but letters, really? I didn't know which one to read first so I just went with my gut. I unfolded the paper that was in my left hand. It read:

Dear Stevie,

Hey,Baby Sis!! I know things are getting hard. I know trust me I do. I miss you a lot too! And maybe you should just tell Ally. She's amazing. She's always there for you and she's so understanding. Don't forget that she really does care about you. And when I'm no longer here I really hope that you'll still have her. I love you baby sis don't ever forget that and stay strong. I'll be home soon.


I got up and went out to the living room for the first time in a week. Ally must have left for a run or something. I grabbed a bottle of water and went back to the room. I picked up the other note. I read it and was left in shock. Clay knew? Ash knew? For how long? I heard the front door shut so I texted Ally. 'Come here.' A few minutes later she walked in the room and sat next to me. "Sup?" She said giving me a concerned look. "I want to try something. Just don't move." I said. My hand started shaking but I slowly moved it to her cheek. I leaned in closer until we were an inch apart. I could feel her nervous and jagged breathing on my lips. I sucked in a breath and slammed my eyes closed as I gently pressed our lips together. It was only a peck but neither one of us moved. There was a knock on the door and we jumped apart. Ash walked in. "Hey, I just wanted to check on you guys. I just came from home. Can I talk to you for a moment, Ally?'' She nodded and got up and walked out of the room. I fell back into the pillows. I touched my lips. We kissed. I smiled.

Ally's Pov

"I want to try something. Just don't move." Stevie said. I just stared at her as she got closer and closer. My breath got jagged. I closed my eyes as she gently kissed me. Small fireworks were exploding on my lips and butterflies danced in my stomach. There was a knock and Ash walked in. "Hey, I just wanted to check on you guys. I just came from home. Can I talk to you for a moment, Ally?'' He said. I nodded and got up. We went out to the living room. I was blood red and biting my lip. "Why are you so red? What was going on when I came in?" He said as we sat down. I looked at him. "She kissed me." I said. He smiled. "Well it's about time!" He practically yelled. I punched his shoulder. "So what is it that you want to talk about?" His smile faded. "Mom and Dad want you to come over for dinner. And I made them promise me it was nothing bad but they refuse to tell me what it's about." He said. My eyes practically fell out of my head. "So after the last 2 years of paying me off and disowning me, they want to talk?!" My good mood disappeared. "No. If they think they can be forgiven after everything and just make up, they are dead wrong!" I yelled. Ash pulled me into a hug. "Calm down. I'll be there and they agreed to let Stevie come. Just come over on Saturday night, please?" I nodded into his chest. He left. I looked over at Stevie who just came out and sat down.

Stevie's Pov

I walked out into the living room after I heard Ally yelling. Ash left. I sat down. "Why did you kiss me?" She said. I thought about it for a moment and smiled. "I am in love with you too. When I first found out, I was confused about it. Now that we kissed, it makes sense now. I love you too." I took a deep breath. "Please say something." Ally stood up and reached for my hand. "Lets go to bed. We have to go back to school tomorrow." I took her hand, feeling those new but suddenly familiar butterflies, and we went to bed.

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