Chapter 10- Sleepover with everyone

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Angel's POV

Me and Itzel walked into room 70. Mostly everyone was already there. I already talked to some workers and they are going to play 8 movies and hopefully everyone falls asleep.

Me and Itzel set ourselves in a corner. The carpet was soft. I laid down and pulled out my phone. I'm going to text Eli.

To: Eli

Hey I hope y'all haven't burned down y'all's house. We shall come home tomorrow. Y'all should pick us from the air port. Please ? Well love y'all bye ! Oh and Itzel said hello !

I sent it and felt someone sit next to me. I looked to see Alfie. "Hello, shouldn't you go and cuddle with your girl friend ?" I asks.

"I've told you, I don't have one. Zoe is not my girl friend." Just then Zoe sat on the other side of Alfie. "Hey Alfs ." She hugged him and didn't let go.

"Zoe what are you doing ?" He asked. "Just cuddling with you." He looked at me. "Told you," I whispered. Zoe got up and pulled Alfie away.

Dan and Phil came and sat in front of me and Itzel. Dan was in front of me and Phil was laying on Itzel. I was cris cross apple sauce.

Dan laid his head on my legs. I saw sitting up and started playing with his hair. " Dan let me have your hair." I whispered as the movie was about to start. Mostly every Youtuber was here.

I saw Chris come on and sat between Dan and Phil and then pj came and went between me and Itzel. I looked at Dan and started to braid his hair. He looked beautiful.

I started to play with his ears. I looked up to see the call playing. Dan slid off of me and fell asleep on PJ. I laid down and Alfie was still sitting up. Fine then, haha I felt Dan slid himself between me and pj.

Pj laughed. Dan laid next to me under my blanket. I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I could get use to this. "I want food." Dan whispered into my ear.

" sounds like a you problem." I said looking at him. His eyes were closed and his hair looked black.

Like in the 2nd video he made were he looked hot. How he looked getting out of bed. We were face to face. I saw he was leaning in. Oh shit he wants to kiss me.

Okay I'm the kind of girl who will flirt alot, but I'm serious in my relationships. His lips touched mine. He started to kiss me and you could say I kissed back. Okay I did ! Would you ?

If Dan Howell leaned in and he looked like a sex god. Of course you would so don't judge me ! His lips were soft. He but my lip playfully, I'm guessing asking for permission to explore but I didn't opened.

Suddenly he started to tickle me. I opened my mouth slightly and he took the chance. He explored and we turned a kiss into a make out session. He came closer to me. I felt something I never felt before.

Dan had a boner ! OMG ! I broke the kiss and looked at Dan who was wide awake. " getting happy i see," he got red real fast. I laughed, I would never take it that far, just making out and that's it.

"Yes we are done here." I said facing the other way. He laughed and started pulling on my hair playfully. "I'm going to call your dad." I told Dan. He stopped and wrapped his arms around me.

DAN LIKES ME LALALALALA ! I heard a laugh and it came from Pj. "Look at the love birds." "Shut it Pj." Dan said as a joke. "Pj i will stick a chair up your -" Dan stopped me by covering my mouth.

"I was going to say face." I said moving Dans hand. Yes I was going to say ass. Pj laughed and I just fell asleep, I was still tired from the day at the magical wonder land.


Sorry it's short, sorry.

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