Chapter 4 - I Feel like Sh*t

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Angel's POV !

Finn carried me to my hotel room and laid me in my bed. "Could you call Itzel please ?" I asked Caspar. He nodded and grabbed my phone. Finn started to text someone and I laid on my bed watching the room spin.

Finn looked at me and said "I'll be back." I didn't feel like moving so I just closed my eyes. A few seconds later I head a few voices come into the room.

I opened my eyes to see Finn, Itzel, and Alfie. "How you feeling bro ?" Itzel asked sitting on my bed. " I feel like shit !" I got out. Alfie smiled trying to cheer me up.

"I will go and buy some chicken soup for you just sit tight." Itzel said grabbing her purse and walking out the room. Finn went with her leaving me with Alfie. "Just go to sleep until she comes back." Alfie said sitting on the bed looking at me.

"I can't do th-" I said but was cut off by throw up coming out of mouth. I threw up in a trash can. Alfie held my hair and rubbed my back.

When I was done he got up and went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and handed to me. I wiped my mouth and laid back.

The room started to get hot and I started to sweat. Alfie just sat at the edge of my bed holding my hand. Smiled at him and he did the same.

My eyelids fell and I fell in a deep sleep. I heard a couple screams. I woke up shaking and scared. My heart was pumping and I was scared and sick.

I looked around and saw Itzel and Finn come in with bags. Where's Alfie ? I looked and saw he was asleep on the floor. Wired. . . Itzel came up to me and gave me a pill and some water.

I sat up and took the pill and drank some water. Finn got out a huge white cup and a plastic spoon. He opened it to show it had chicken soup. I smiled at him and he handed me my soup.

I started to eat my soup and they grabbed there food out of the bag. Alfie sat up from the floor rubbing his eyes. "Alfie why did you fall asleep on the floor ?" Finn asked curiously. " n-nothing . . ." He said shyly.

Finn handed him some food and everyone was eating. Time went past and at one point Alfie was laying in my bed next to me, Finn was laying on the bed and Itzel cris cross apple sauce on his tummy watching tv and texting.

Finn didn't really mind she was sitting on him. She was light and they are like best friends now. For me and Alfie I don't know. All I know is I am feeling much much much better.

I looked at Alfie who is texting in my bed all comfy. I looked to see who he is texting and it's his mommy ! "Alfie are you texting your mommy !?" I asked out loud.

His cheeks burned red. "No I'm just texting Marcus !" He said trying to cover it up. I grabbed the phone and pressed call. Alfie tried to separate me from his phone but no use. I heard a faint voice on the phone. "Hello Alfred !" It was his mom.

"This isn't Alfred but one of his close friends." I said evilly and looking at Alfie. "Oh what's your name then ?" She asked sweetly. Could she be that nice and have Alfie ?

"My name is Angel and I have to say your son Alfred Deyes is a pleasing young man." I said in the most posh American ascent I have.

"Why thank you, he is a little charmer." I giggled at her comment. I looked at Alfie who was flush pure red. "Oh mrs.Deyes I think young Alfred needs to speak to you." Alfie looked up and had a scared face. What for though ?

"Very we'll then" I handed him the phone and he said "hi mum. Yes I do have it, no Caspar is not here at the moment. I will do that when I get home. Tell pop I said hi. Yes she is. No I'm not. Okay bye mum, Love You." He hung up the phone and everyone except Alfie started laughing.

Alfie got mad just sat there with a bitchy look. "Alfie don't have a bitch fit I was just playing." He started to smiled and I sat back.

We watched tv and I fell asleep in the process. I woke up in the morning with no one by my, I saw Itzel was still asleep. "ITZEL WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT ? Did some one come and kill everyone !?" I asked.

She jumped up and rubbed her eyes. "No Moran they went home." "Oh the. You can go back to sleep Imma go do a signing." She nodded and fell asleep quickly.

I got up and grabbed my neon pink short shorts and white v-neck. I took a shower and dried my hair to curl it. I put on my white low top convsers with neon pink earrings and a neon pink necklace that had a pink robot.

I walked out of my hotel room with a paper of the room I should be in and what time. I had a couple mins to spend. I went to the 1st floor and went to the Starbucks that was down the street.

I got my coffee and headed back to the room. I reached the room and it was huge. There was tables with our names on it.

I sat at mine and saw there was a cup with 10 sharpies in it. I saw next to me was Shane Dawson and on my other side was epic meal time.

Shane was already there at his table and I saw the epic meal time crew walk in. I turned to Shane and I wanted to sound cool so I said " heyo" I was about to say hey but I was about to change it to hello but it was to late.

I face palmed and banged my head on the table. "Hi I'm Shane and your Angel I know I watch your videos." "Hi Shane well I love your videos and I want you to give me your hair . . . Please." I said witch was true I love his hair !

"Haha nice try we should be best friends and shit." He said in a girly voice. I nodded and smiled. Inside I was screaming.

I saw the epic meal time crew sit down at the other table. And the dumbass like me I turned to them and started to talk to them. " what up man ! How its going lets make some food later with bacon and other shit." I said high fiveing them.I like you" harley said laughing. " why is that ?" I asked confused.

" your the only Girl who has the balls to say that to us." I laughed. "You should come and cook for us in an episode." I nodded and game him my number. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2 minutes until 10 and the fans come in and meet us.

My tummy was kinda turning. I was gunna meet a whole bunch if people who stalk me ! Omg stalkers are among us all ! I grabbed a sharpie and started to draw a robot on my hand. It was dancing.

I head a ring and a bunch of screaming. I looked up to see the door throwing up people. The 1st person who came up to my booth was a girl and her little brother. He looked 9 and she looked 15.

"Hi !" She said looking like she was about to cry. " if your gonna cry I heard cry is with pewdiepie." She laughed. " could you sign this for my brother and me please."

She handed me a snap shot of me on YouNow with a teddy bear. " I remember this !" I said happily ! Her little brother handed me a gift. " open it !" He cheered.

I opened it to show a necklace that had ' Aaron ' I looked at him and asked " is your name Aaron ?" He nodded. It was so cute. I put on the necklace.

I signed the photo and smiled at them. "Thank you !" They both said and I said my welcomes. I looked and saw there was already a line for me. Woah that was fast.

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