Chapter 2 - Clubbing with YouTubers.

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Angel's POV !

We walked up to the club and it was . . . Poppin I guess. I don't know what you young kids say ! I'm only 19. I walked in with Finn and Sam. I had each of them on my arms linked.

"Your very cheeky." Finn said in my ear. I smiled and asked "is that good or bad ?" He laughed and started to pull me to the dance floor. He started to do some funny dance moves. Then Sam came and was dancing with him.

Sam was literally booty bumping on me. He was saying "twerk twerk twerk twerk." To himself. I wanted to laugh at him but Finn was close to be dry humping my side. I stood there awkwardly about to burst laughing.

Good thing Joey pulled them both away from me. I walked over to the bar and looked at the guy. "Can I have water please?" I asked nicely. He nodded and disappeared to the other side. I sat on the bar stool awkwardly.

I looked over to the dance floor to see almost every YouTuber Dancing. Itzel was dancing with Luke Brooks. Awe.

I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the guy with my water. I gave him the money ad a good tip. He smiled and walked off. I opened my cold water and took a few gulps. I set it down and saw Phil Lester sit down next to me.

"Hi I'm Phil." "I know I'm Angel." "I know too I watch your videos ! I love them." "Awe Phil !" I told him hugging him. He smiled and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to the dance floor. Dan was there dancing with Zoey, Caspar, and Alfie.

I started to dance with Phil and Dan when Alfie whispered something to them. Phil and Dan left me with Alfie. Alfie grabbed my arm and start to dance with me. I stood there and looked at his beautiful light brown eyes.

He came closer to my ear and said "I'm sorry for throwing you in the water, I just really like you." I blushed and smiled. He started to dance again and I danced with him.


I got back to my hotel room with Jack and Louis. I was tired but jack and Louis kept telling me jokes and I was laughing so hard.

Me and Alfie split up during the car ride. I didn't mind I mean we aren't together. I looked at jack and saw he wasn't tired. "Jack ! Please carry me." I said dragging my feet. He nodded and picked me up like a dad picking up his little girl.

"Wow your light." He said smiling. "Why thank you kind sir." I told him snuggling into his shoulder. "I don't think Alfie would like this." Louis said laughing.

"What do you mean ?" I asked about to fall asleep on jack. "We'll Alfie only had 1 girlfriend in his life and he is in love with you." Louis said making me smile.

"Who cares I wanna be carried by jack to my room so Alfie has to deal with it." I said as he got into the elevator. When the door closed I fell asleep on Jack's shoulder.


I woke up in a bed that was not in my room. I sat up and saw shirts and underwear everywhere. Where the fuck am I ?

I got out of bed and saw I was in underwear and a guys shirt. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK ! I was about to scream but Finn came out if the 'restroom' in guessing what that was.

"FINN I'VE BEEN RAPED !" I yelled hugging him. He chuckled and said "no you fell asleep on jack and your roommate wasn't there so you slept with jack." I walked back slowly. "What about the no pants ! Perverts !" "We didn't want you so go to sleep like that so we or Jack changed you."

He gave me a puppy dog smile and I craved. "Fine ! Where's my dress I needs go to my room." He nodded and went to the closet and pulled out my dress. I smiled and headed out the door.

I tried to be quiet because I was in jacks or Finns shirt and underwear, good think the shirt goes pass my ass. I tip toed to my room and opened the door to see Itzel passed out on the floor where you walk in. I heard a whistle from behind me.

I turn to see Jack, Alfie, Louise, Zoe, and Maz. I'm guessing Maz was the one who whistled. "Oh hey guys." I say trying to act cool. "Is that Jack's shirt ?" Zoe pointed out. WHY ZOE WHYYYYYY ! "Yea, kinda a funny story really." I told them but Alfie just walked off.

NO ALFIE DON'T GO ! Jack was confused. What an idiot. Haha I'm playing he's just a friend. Zoe and Louise left to go find Alfie. Maz was starring at my ass. And Jack was slapping Maz for starring at my ass.

I need to go find Alfie. I walked down the hall and turn the corner to peek and saw that the elevator was in the 21 floor and Louis and Zoe were waiting for it.. I walked to the stairs and opened the door to find Alfie sitting there. I sat down next to him and started to play with my fingers.

"Alfie what's wrong." I said looking at him. I didn't realize that he had a few tears rolling down his face and his cheeks were pink. "You did it with Jack." I started to laugh. "You think me and jack !" I kept laughing and hugged him and laughing.

"Wow Alfie your funny. You think me and Jack were having Sex. Your stupid I just fell asleep on his shoulder as he carried to my room and my room mate wasn't there so I had to sleep in there's." I said calming down.

"You have could of slept in my room. Caspar wouldn't mind." I hugged him "thanks for carrying, oh and one last thing." He turned his head to me and I kissed his cheek. "Alfie your too sweet." I walked off and left him dumbfounded.

I got to the hallway to see Maz with Sam talking. I Tried to stay quiet so I could go to my room but Sam turned around and yelled "OMG You weren't lying she is in only a shirt and underwear."

My eyes shot out and they both were laughing. "You can look but don't touch." I said winking. "Ha well me and Maz are going to the show are you going ?" Sam asked. "Yea but no dirty jokes." They nodded and walked off.

I walked to my room and saw Itzel wasn't the only one in the room. She had the janoskians in our room scattered. I wonder who the rest of the week will be.

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