Chapter Nine

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Suzume expected more from Kaito. After he had walked away from her, in what she felt would have been an enticing position, he led her back to a campfire with their bedrolls already spread out.

He sat down on his bedroll with his arms crossed over his chest and he made no comment. Suzume took a seat on her bedroll and stared at him across the flames as she braided her wet hair.

“What’s wrong with you? I’m a highly desirable woman. I was going to marry my father’s top general before my mother ruined it for me.”

He did not respond but continued to stare at the flames.

“The silent brooding routine doesn’t suit you,” Suzume said.

Again his answer was silence. One minute he’s hot, the next he’s cold. Are all immortals like this?

“If you’re going to ignore me all night, then I’m going to bed.”

She lay down and faced away from him.

“Did you see anything while you bathed?” He asked his voice was soft and it sent a chill up her spine. Don’t tell him anything.

“Other than you peeping? No.” she replied while keeping her back turned to him. He had caught her lying before but she hoped this time he would not suspect.

“I see. Goodnight then.”

She frowned as she lay there with the fire behind her she could see the long dancing shadows that it sent across the clearing where they had made camp. What did he want me to see? Did he know I would see a vision of that Priestess who sealed him away? The idea that he would use her riled her and she had to tamp down her anger for fear of revealing too much. Eventually she fell asleep.

She awoke to the sound of shouting and the braying of horses. Her eyes did not want to open and she stretched and yawned.

“Did you find a horse monster now to torment me with?” Suzume asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” An unfamiliar male voice said in commanding tone.

Suzume’s eyes flung open and she took in the scene around her. She was in the center of a ring of horsed warriors. They wore fearsome painted mask designed like red and black monsters with fangs, pointed ears and horns. Large eye holes were cut out as were a gaping mouth hole which was down turned in a grimace. The man who had spoken, wore a mask with a mustache and pointed fangs.

Suzume rose to her knees and looked around bewildered for Kaito. What trick is he playing now?

“Do not pretend you cannot speak, woman. We heard you just a moment ago,” another man chastised her.

Suzume spun and faced the speaker. He had a large waist and thick arms which gripped the reins of his black stallion. He had the most ornate mask. It was red with black fangs and a golden half circle on the top which were styled like horns. I know that horse, I know this voice.

“General Tsubaki?” She asked hardly believing it. It feels like I am waking up from a bad dream.

“How dare you address the general directly, you peasant!” the man to his left snarled. From the way he spoke for General Tsubaki, she assumed him to be his lieutenant.

Suzume shot the lieutenant a glower. “I am not a peasant. I am Princess Suzume, eighth daughter to the emperor from his second wife, Izuki.”

“The emperor set aside his second wife and their children were declared illegitimate.” The lieutenant  snapped back. “If you were Suzume daughter of Izuki, you would know that.”

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