Chapter Thirty-nine

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Kazue smiled it looked strange coming from someone that was a bright hue of red. Even her teeth were red, it was like looking through colored glass. “I suppose you want an explanation as to why I showed you what I did.” Kazue said in response. 

Suzume looked down at the stone in her hand. It was warm. The inside flickered like a flame. It seemed to throb in her hand, as if she were holding a tiny heart. What I really want is to return to the life I had. I want to be revered and cared for, not tossed around and nearly killed at every turn. For some reason, it was difficult to get those words out. She was faced to face with Kazue who was the real life ebodiement of her Suzume’s past life and after seeing what Kazue had gone through just to spend eternity with Kaito it made her own wants look selfish and petty. 

“I know you want to return to your former life, but that stone will not do that for you.” Kazue said seemingly reading Suzume’s mind.  

Suzume looked up in shock. “How do you know that?” She asked. I should have known Hisato would lie to me. He just wanted me to retrieve this stone. 

“Because I am a part of you, Suzume. Or more accurately, you are a part of me.” Kazue explained. She titled her head as she regarded Suzume. Her hands were folded in front of her resting on her stomach. 

“Does that mean I can read your thoughts, or I can see your memories because I lived them in a past life?” Suzume stared at Kazue trying to summon the memories of the past, just to prove she could. When nothing happened, she frowned. 

Kazue chuckled. It was a delicate sound like the tinkling of bells. “No, you cannot summon the past, just as I cannot divine the future. We are two parts of one greater hole but we are separate.”

Suzume held up her hand. “Please spare me the poetry. I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime. What are you trying to say?”

“That you are not my reincarnation but a broken piece of my soul.” 


Kazue glided over to Suzume. Her footfalls made no sound. In fact her feet dip not even seem to touch the group. Kazue placed her ruby hand over Suzume’s chest. Suzume’s heart raced. When Kazue touched her she was not so much solid but more like vapor. She was warm like flames but they did not burn Suzume. “Inside you is a part of my soul, broken in my attempt to make myself immortal.”   Suzume felt like a part of her was trying to break free, it was reaching for Kazue. She took a step back away from Suzume. The feeling lessened but it remained. Their was an ache in her that she had never felt before, like there was a hole inside her that needed to be filled.  

Suzume put her hand over her beating heart. It felt just the same as always, a reliable rhythm that told her she was alive. “Are you saying, I am you? Not just your reincarnation but you-you?”

“No.” Kazue shook her head. “You are Suzume. But a piece of my soul resides in you, more specifically the flame of my soul.”

“So you’re possessing me?” 

Kazue laughed, genuinely, it bounced off the walls and surrounded them. Suzume just glowered at her, feeling more confused than ever. 

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