Chapter Forty Five- Deadly Hangover

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Naomi awoke with a raging headache as she rubbed her temples before finding she was in a hotel bed. Scared she had been with someone and not remembered, she quietly moved from the sheets as she heard the shower in the distance before moving towards the front door to see the couch had been messy from somebody's slumber. Her eyes adjusted to the scene as she moved close, seeing a wallet on the table. Pulling the ID from the sleeve, she took a breath of relief as she remembered him carrying her as she was stupidly drunk. Suddenly the shower ceased and she rushed about the room, searching for her shoes and found it under the bed before jumping up and hearing a whistle down the small hall with separated the shower from the room. She ran to the door, shutting it just as his eyes caught her. She walked quickly to the elevator before his door came open, seeing her attempt to quickly flee.

He ran down the stairs in only sweatpants as he caught the elevator doors open. She stood with a surprised expression before trying to hit the button and he held the door open.

"We can stand here all day, I have nowhere else to be."

She glared before removing herself from the elevator and they moved back up to the floor together. "Nothing happened."

"I know..."


"Because you would have touched me. Pulled me into you. But you didn't-"

"Did you want that?" She turned from him.

"Of course not. Fate has clearly shown we don't belong...I'm fine with that. I've moved on."

"Great. But..."


"Last night you told me that you wished had chosen me..."

"I was drunk..."

"Why did you drink so much? The girl I knew hated alcohol-"

"Things change, besides five years is a long time to not see someone, and base an assumption on them."

"Nothing else about you has changed...' He said as he moved his hand to her cheek but then jolted back. "Habit..."

"No. A habit is doing something constantly for a long period of time. We were never together longer than a year-so it's not's you trying to get close." She moved towards the door before he ran against her.

"No! I know you want that door shut. The metaphorical door. You want nothing but your fame and for the entire world to know who Naomi Anders is. And I will never forget you. But I don't love you. So stop thinking I'm trying to do something."

Her heart broke as she stood in front of him.

"I just don't want to leave again with such a bad feeling between us. If we both feel nothing, there is no reason a friendship can't happen."

She slowly nodded to herself, fighting harsh tears before looking to him with a stern expression. "It can't-"

"Why not?"

"Because unlike you...I can't just forget. I can't unlove someone. I'm glad you can." She successfully opened the door before he chased after her, holding the elevator door open once more. Only now, he was interrupted by the sound of his phone. Seeing the number, he pulled it to his ear before his expression changed. His breathing increased as he pushed himself into the elevator and ran down the hotel halls to take a cab. Out of desperate need to aid her curiosity, Naomi followed suit and found him to be at the hospital. Pushing through the door Naomi recognized the woman to be his mother from a previous encounter many many years ago.

"I'm sorry..." His mother said as Logan fell to the waiting room chair and placed his head in his hands. Naomi waited outside for some time before entering and moving to talk to him, but found his eyes bloodshot from crying. She decided it would not be the best time to see him...and perhaps tomorrow she could find out the news...

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