Chapter Twelve- Overnight

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"I'm so nervous!" Naomi said as she sat across from Logan in the cafeteria of the college where the photography show was being shown. "I don't think I've ever been this nervous except when I was in middle school and accidentally-"

"'s going to be alright. Your talented and have an eye for this."

"But why don't they announce it before? Why is it an unveiling? Why can't I know?"

"It's not as dramatic."

Suddenly an announcement came over that he show was beginning. Naomi lingered in her position before being pulled to her feet by Logan. He moved the hair from her face before having her look to him.

"You got this...and even if you don't..."

"I have you."

He smiled before they moved towards the hall where the photos were unveiled. One by one, they led from those accepted from the last place to the first. Eight pictures sat in a line as she waited anxiously for the finals. Three were yet to be unveiled. One pulled, not her. Then it came to the next. Runner-up. Second place. She took a deep breath before it unveiled her work. The moment fell as if it was in slow motion. Failing again...she thought to herself...She looked to the ground as Logan clutched her hand and wrapped his arm around his waist and with such a movement, she did not care if she had won-because she knew someone truly cared about her and that had been enough.

Making it to the hall of the hotel room as they were separated by three doors, she lingered on the wall.

"They were idiots...yours was more-" Suddenly she kissed him. A passionate kiss, one that made her inhale him. He closed his eyes for the moment before pushing her.

"We don't know who could be..." Before he could continue, she opened her room and slowly pulled him in. He stopped her as her lips moved to his neck.

"Please don't tell me to stop...I just...I want to kiss you." He moved lower towards her and pressed his lips against hers, pulling her into him as he rested his back against the wall. Not able to fight how much he wanted her, he lifted her so her legs wrapped around him and led her to the bed. With her back on the mattress, he smirked as she pulled him down. Their lips did not cease part as he moved her clothes from her body and she did the same for him. As he moved his hand towards her final item of clothing, her phone rang.

"Ignore it." She begged as he listened and moved to kiss her neck.

"It's yours." He teased as he lifted his from his pocket to show the screen was black.

She took it from the bed which fell when her pants were removed.

"It's the director of the show.." He moved from her as she rose from the bed and had a conversation before he began to get dressed. When she hung up, she scowled. "What are you doing?"

"I should go."

"Why? I thought we were-"

"You're still underage's a good thing your phone rang...I got lost in the moment..."

"That's okay..."

"No." He hesitated. "What did they call you about?"

"I got a grant. If I show them pictures similar to the ones I entered, they'll pay for any college if I continue to give them. I wanna to celebrate with you."

"Naomi. I want to be that guy you don't expect. The one who surprises you in the rain with flowers and comes over at ten at night just to make sure you are okay. As much as I want to take this advantage...I can't. I wouldn't feel right. When the moment does happen-"

"I get it."

"Don't be mad."

"I'm not. I feel embarrassed...."

"You shouldn't. I never want you to be embarrassed with me."

"I feel so easy because I throw myself at you."

"You aren't feel wanted and wanting..." She nodded.

"I want to share that with you..."

"So do I...more than you know...just not yet."

"You are the only guy to ever say no. It's probably why I like you so damn much!" She kissed him as she walked him towards the door. Opening it from the inside, he gave her one sweet kiss before moving towards his room before a figure stopped his gaze.


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