Chapter Seven- Rhys

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The next few days came and went as Logan fought his feelings for Naomi as he watched her slowly make other friends around school. One specific friend, Rhys, struck him the wrong way. Although he appeared like a nice guy, it was almost as if he had been trying too hard. This made her slowly back away from him as she spent most, if not all her time with him. The only time he would see her would be in class. Something that made him feel slightly unwanted-a feeling he didn't appreciate when it came to her.

"Can I speak to you for a minute?"

She nodded before coming up to the front of the class.

"I was wondering if you wanted to take some pictures tonight? I need new ones for the board and you're the best in the class."


"Yeah. It takes my breath away looking at you-your pictures..." He quickly corrected. Not caught by Naomi, she nodded before looking with sadness.


"I promised Rhys I'd go with him."


"He has this art show..."

"Nevermind I'll just have Jess do it."

"I can later or you can come with to the show..."

"Art isn't my thing."

"It's the same as pictures-"

"No. Paintings are fake..."


"I"m sorry. I just feel like we-you aren't reaching your potential..."

"Am I failing?"

"Of course not... I just feel as if you could do more..."

"If it effects my grade..."


"Please come with. I'd really like it if you two met. You are the most important men in my life. My teacher with my-"

Suddenly she looked off to the side to find him standing in the doorway looking for her. She nodded to him before a fit of jealousy ran through Logan and before he could stop himself he spoke;

"Fine. I'll be there."

"I'll text you the address."


As the night carried on, he awaited the address until it finally came around seven, along with the time. Only giving him an hour, he hopped into the shower and quickly shaved before placing a suit on and meeting at the address. Upon arriving, he saw her standing at the steps waiting for someone. A large black coat-presumably his sat on her shoulders, one instance that made him aggravated. He moved from the car before making his way towards her.

"You look stunning." He said as he kissed her cheek. She blushed before looking towards the ground. "Is he not here yet?"

"Since he is in the showcase, he had to be here early. I saw him already." She paused and turned to him. "He told me I was his muse! He used me for the main portrait."

"I can't wait to see it...."

Within the hour, the even began as each portrait was exposed. Suddenly, almost to the end, Rhys's was exposed as his name was called.

"I call this one, "Beauty in Silk." He said as he pulled the sheet to expose Naomi hardly covered in a silk sheet. In an outrage, as he was unsure how to handle everything, Logan moved to the front and pushed open the doors before being followed by Naomi.

"You didn't like it?"

"You didn't like-Why would you let him draw you like that? I thought I led you to understand you deserve better than someone who uses you for your body!"

"You sound jealous." His emotions grew the best of him as he placed his hands on her waist and kissed her. Not caring if anyone saw, and not caring if he would be pulled away in handcuffs. As the beginning of the kiss had been carnal and passionate, it slowed into a romantic kiss-as if it was a true first kiss.

"I am." He said as he pulled away. He began to walk down the stairs of the building before she chased after him.

"I think you have it all wrong Logan...I'm not interested in him that way..."

"Why not? He's muscular and poetic and-"


In an instant, he felt like an idiot. Closing his eyes to cement the moment, he slowly shook his head.

"He drew me like that because he wanted to draw something other than guys. I was his stand in after his recent breakup with the guy who was supposed to be in the drawing. I talked him into getting over him by doing the portrait anyway..."

"About the kiss..."

"You don't have to say anything. Emotions run high..."

"Do you wish I wouldn't have?"

"If you wouldn't of, I would..."

He smirked.

"But circumstances are complicated and I need your class to get through school."

"I understand."

"Thank you..." He said as she kissed his cheek.

"By the way...I was hoping you would do that for a long time..." She said as she moved back into the museum and he moved to his car, unable to get the feeling of her lips off of his.

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