Chapter Forty One- And the Enemy is Time

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Naomi took a deep breath as she rode the elevator to the required floor as she swept the dirt from her dress before moving as the ding rung in front of her. Placing one final layer of lip gloss on her bottom lip before smacking them together, she followed a line of people before finding herself in the center of the room as applause surrounded her. A woman came to her side as she smiled before moving to the small stage and tapping gently on the microphone.

"Thank you." She said as the applause died down. "I have dreamed of this moment for my entire life. When I was six I took a photo with a Polaroid camera and hung it up in my closet and continued to do so until there was no white spot left. It escalated quickly to then putting them in scrap books and then discs and now on canvases for everyone to see. But I would be nowhere here today if the great, late photographer Erwin would not have taken me under his wing. In my most honest statement, it had been the best years of my life. I learned quite a lot and continue to do so by the criticism I am given. Tonight, I thank you all for this award as I know Erwin would be teasing this speech on how cheesy it is. But I truly, from the bottom of my heart, just love photos, the art of making them, creating it, showing it, and your loving it is just a plus. I hope I continue to entice you for what is to come." The applause rang the hall once more, as she greeted those whom she knew and had heard in articles or on the news before making her way home.

Tearing the heels from her feet in the apartment elevator, she held the tops with two fingers before fetching her mail and heading to her apartment. Moving towards the door, a noise caught her attention down the hall as she saw a couple outside of an apartment door, trying to get in. The woman was clinging onto him as he tried to open the door, her lips were on his neck as he was trembling to open it. The moment made her freeze and stare before it was interrupted by the access he finally obtained. She then continued into her apartment before locking it behind her and turning on the news to catch up on what she had missed. She moved to the fridge behind the couch and up a platform before taking the wine bottle, seeing how a few sips remained, and drained it dry before moving to her bedroom and sliding off her dress and changing into a silk nightgown.

Just as she got relaxed, her phone began to ring constantly. She sighed before pulling it to her ear.

"Yes Sydney..."

"Hello to you too..."

"It's late..can we talk tomorrow?"

"We got another letter..."

"And what about it?"

"They are threats Naomi! They aren't some fun fan letters signed with kisses. They are threats stating that you have only a few photos left before your body will be the next thing photographed-"

"Not everyone likes my work. But I am honoring Erwin-"

"He died four years ago..."

"Still...he gave me my shot..."

"Anyway...we have a shoot tomorrow at at two...and a magazine shoot at six...Then lunch with the art director from-"

"Can I take a week off?"

Sydney began to lose it on the other end of the phone. "Of course not! But you sure make me laugh!"

"I can't get one?"

"That's the price you pay for being wanted...Everyone wants to buy your pictures; the women want to pose for them, the men want to endorse them...and the kids want to grow up and be do that..."

"Fine. I'll be there at nine."

"Great." The line went dead as she then checked her email as she constantly did before moving to her bed. Just before doing so, she got a face-time chat request before answering it.

"Carly!" She said with an excited voice.

"I am currently in...New Zealand...and am coming home if you wanted to meet later this week. I am DYING to catch up with you!"

"Of course! I have things booked for the next few days...but if you wanted to stop by a shoot-"

"Yes! How about...Thursday?"

"Sounds good."

"Great!" She blew kisses before the call ended and she closed her laptop. She then collected her phone and read reviews of her photos until falling asleep. Being woke up by the angry alarm, she hurried to shut it off before throwing on a pair of jeans, a loose tee, placing her hair in a pony, outlining makeup, then heading out the door. Following her schedule to a tee, she moved about towards her apartment before her name was being called in the lobby. She turned to find it to be Declan.


"It's great to see you!"

"You too! How have you been?" She asked with a more sensitive gaze due to his father's demise.

"Working hard. Actually...I got married last summer."

"Really?! That's fantastic!"

"Yeah. I realized that it just took the right woman-but you can still dream of me-"

"You wish." She teased as he blushed. "I'm so sorry about Erwin..."

"It's okay. I...I know that he was sick for a while and at least he's not suffering..."

"I feel like I broke his heart when we didn't make it..."

"I think we both knew that we weren't meant. Don't get me wrong...physically, we would have had an Adonis and Aphrodite for children far as dealing with each other-"

"Complete chaos-"


"Well hey...if you have some time...I would love for you to meet her. I'll give you my card and you can call to set up a time. I know you're busy. Um...But I do gotta bolt, I was just here to pick up one of the models." She smiled and watched him leave before seeing a man in the shadows dart when she made contact with him. Her heart sank as she moved quickly to her apartment and locked all her windows and doors before going about her nightly ritual. This time, unable to sleep.

IllicitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora