Chapter 14~The Mystery Girl...

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So I'm gonna be adding a mystery guest in our fanfic that helps the titans and your're gonna guess who it is! Whoever get's it right will get a shoutout and more will be revealed about the mystery guest as the chapters go on so you don't have to guess just yet.💜Good Luck!💜😉~@bbraefanfic And she was in the last chapter too so look out for her.😉

Ring! The bell rung and everyone bustled through the doors. It was lunch. It was the 45 mins that Rachel dreaded more than math. She sat down at her usual place. She didn't wanna seem "weak" and ask for protection. She could probably protect herself.
"Look guys! It's that loner girl again!" The jocks laughed and pointed at her. She fought off the urge to claw their eyes out. She was gonna ask them to go away but the words couldn't escape her mouth. She was terrified. "Am I really that weak?" She thought. The boys then threw their special mud balloons at here and her sandwich was yet again ruined. She was gonna starve all year long.
"Here." A girl handed a wrapped sandwich to her. The girl was asian with black hair and her face sincere and understanding.
"No, I couldn't." Rachel said pushing it away.
"No, I insist. I saw what they did to you the day before too. I brought an extra in case it happened to you again." The girl said while she sat down next to her.
"Thanks. I'll pay you back."
"No biggie, it's just 3 dollars. I want you to know that you're not weak. Your just considerate." She said as like she knew what Rachel was thinking. "I can be your friend if you want." She offered.
"Um thanks but don't you have your friends that you want to hang out with too?" Rachel asked.
"You see, I'm a lot like you. See this stain?" She points to her shirt that looks like mud. "Those same jocks threw mud-balloons at me. And mostly because I don't have any friends." She said looking ashamed.
"Oh, well I'll he happy to be friends! What are your periods?" Rachel asked. After Rachel and the girl had a wonderful conversation, it turned out that the girl was in most her classes except P.E and Math. The bell rung and they were headed back to class.
"Hey wait! I forgot to ask your name!" Rachel said while chasing the girl. She dissapeared into the crowd and it was hopeless to find her. It was like a needle in a haystack. "I guess I'll have to ask her tomorrow." She sighed and headed to her next class. P.E the second worst subject with math being the first.

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