Part 9~Mysterious Portal to...

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At the crime scene...
"You will never beat me this time! I have the latest technology from the future!" Warp said.
"Let's just get this over with I have my t-car waiting for me to wax!" Cyborg said. Warp blasted the titans with his technology.
"Your gonna have to do better than that!" Beastboy said.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven took a water pipe and blasted it in Warp's face.
"Noo! My tech is fried!"
"Who knew there were no waterproof weapons in the future?" Beastboy joked.
"I have one more trick up my sleeve!" Warp said as he threw a bubble at the titans. The bubble hit the titans and absorbed them inside. They were trapped. Warp then lifted the glass container containing the clock and he opened up a portal.
"So long titans!" Warp pushed the bubble with the titans inside it inside the portal and teleported to a his base. It was located under a trashcan and it was gloomy and dreary. It was an underground basement.
"So, did you succeed your mission?" A female voice said.
"Yes master." Warp replied.
"Good, now here is your profit. You know what to do." The mysterious voice gave Warp a technical device. It was a disintergrater.
"With this, I can take over the world!"
"Yes, yes now would you please do what's necessary?" The voice said again. "Gladly." Warp opened up a portal and it sucked the female in.
"You WILL be mine Beastboy..."
In the portal where the titans are....
"Robin! What is happening?" Starfire asked as she held him close.
"I don't know. Titans! If anything happens you must keep the communicaters! Where ever we end up we have to stay connected!" Robin commanded. The bubble slowly divided separating the titans into their own separate bubbles. Different tunnels opened up and the titans slowly started drifting away from each other.
"Raven!" Beastboy said as she started drifting away.
"Robin!" Starfire yelled.
"Staarfiire!" Robin screamed
"GUYS! HELP MEEEE!" Cyborg shouted. The titans enter their separate tunnels and black out.
After a few hours, they awake to see a blue lighting creature drawing closer to them. Robin opens the his communicater.
"Guys! Are you ok?" There was static and then no answer. The creature come closer and Robin uses his staff to beat it away. Unfortunately, the bubble was too small for his staff and he was stung by the lighting creature and left unconscious in the bubble.
In the bubbles where Raven is...
She senses something sneaking close behind her and she zaps it. Suddenly another lighting creature emerges. It takes her by suprised and she's left unconscious too.
"Go away! I like your pretty blue but go AWAY!" Cyborg said while blasting the creature with his sonic cannon. The lighting then zaps Cyborg and his circuits are fried shutting down his system and along with it his human body.
In Starfire's bubble...
The lighting creature grabs her by the wrist and tries to make it's way up to her head.
"Ahhh" She screams in a high pitched voice and shoots a starbolt at it. She suddenly falls and is left unconscious when another creature from behind her zaps her.

Beastboy's bubble...
Beastboy but changing into little animals making it harder to zap him but he fails while the lighting hits him from underneath. All the titans are now left unconscious.

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