Part 2~Falling for you.

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"Oh joy that date was the ful of wonder!" Starfire said.
"Yeah, I agree Starfire. It's nice to not worry about saving the city for once." Robin smiled. "Hey Bb, wheres Cy?"
"Oh, he's off with his girlfriend." BB said while doing air quotations.
"Friend Beastboy, why don't you do the date with Raven?" Starfire asked.
"Ew no way, she's too creepy for my taste." BB said. In his mind, he was regretting all the things he had just said.
Beastboy's POV
Man, Starfire just has to ask that question. C'mon dude you can't be serious! You've called her creepy before! And it hurt Raven. And I would never do anything to hurt Raven.
"Starfire, they'll get together soon enough!" Robin said in a cheery voice.
Robin was never this cheery. Must be because of his new relationship status.
After the conversation ended, BB was thinking about their relationship.

I think I'm falling for her...I should probably make the first move. Guys always make the first move. Even Robin made the first move.
Later, in Raven's room...
Raven's POV
Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos.
"Hey Raven! It's me Beastboy! Can we talk?"
Strange, Beastboy never seems to want to talk to me. Why now?
"What do you want?" Raven opens the door just a crack.
"Um, Robin and Starfire are doing their on thing and Cy's out with Bee, so do you wanna like I don't know...hang out?!"
"Hm maybe later."
"Please? Please? Please? You have nothing better to do!"
"Your not gonna quit till I say yes huh?"
"Yup!" BB said with a cheer of victory.
"Fine but don't expect it to be like what you imagined."
"Hehe sure, sooo...wanna get pizza?"

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