Part 12~Targeted.

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"Mr. Stone!" The teacher yelled. "It would do you some good to stay awake and take some notes."
"Yes ma'am , sorry." Victor was dozing off because he lost some sleep with that nightmare he had. Him? A hero? Unlikely. Impossible. Plus, he could doze off since he already knew everything about chemistry. And he had very high straight A's so h couldn't fail this class even if he tried. The bell rang and class was dismissed. Lunch time! Oh goody! Victor immediately became very energetic and went to his friends. His friends were Garfield and Richard. They would always have pizza and it was always the best!
At the lunch line...
"Excuse me but is this spot taken?" K'oriander asked a group of girls hogging up the whole table.
"Ha dear K'oriander, you don't have to be polite about it. You just simply order them to go find another table. It's really not that hard. Here, watch me." Terra said. She stood in front of the girls and the girls immediately ran off. "See? Easy."
"But it does not seem right at all. We have this whole table with only two people." K'oriander exclaimed.
"No, we have 3 people now." Terra said as she gestured her boyfriend to come over.
"What do you want Terra? I was gonna go sit with my friends." Garfield said.
"Surely you would much rather sit with your girlfriend than the immature boys." She said as she pointed at the table with Richard and Cyborg. "Come." She patted the seat next to her. Garfield sighed and reluctantly sat down. He didn't know why he obeyed her every command. It was like he was her apprentice or slave. He could just simply say no and end this relationship. He didn't care how mad she would get but he knew this was over. It didn't seem like Terra even loved him anymore.
Meanwhile, Rachel was sitting under her oak tree eating a sandwich. It was so calm and peaceful. Suddenly, a voice interuppted her quiet lunch.
"Hey, where are your friends? Oh, that's right, you don't HAVE any friends. Why don't you go cry home to your mommy?" A jock said. He then kicked some dirt at her and ran away laughing with his friends. It always was the jocks that seemed to bully her. She did nothing about it and now her sandwich was covered with dirt. She sighed and started to pack up for her next period.
"Hi, I saw what they did to you. Are you alright?" A familiar voice said. She turned around and saw Richard.
"It'a nothing."
"Really? Those guys are real jerks. Picking on someone weaker than them."
"Are you saying I'm weak?!"
"No, no I'm just saying they should pick on someone their own size. Hey, you could sit with us at lunch tomorrow if you like?" He asked.
"Um..sure." It wasn't like she had anything else better to do.
"And next, time they pick on you, stand up for yourself. Or hang with my group so they won't bully you. They usually target people without any friends." He said. The bell rang and the hall was bustling with people. "See ya!" He said while dissappearing in the crowd. Next time, stand up for yourself. The sentence kept repeating over and over in her head. She couldn't concentrate on her studies for the whole day after the little incident.

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