Part 7~Evidence

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The next day, Robin and Cyborg were playing basketball on the roof and Starfire was taking care of Silkie. Raven was in her room and on her bed.
"Yesterday's kiss was...actually quite nice." Raven thought. Meanwhile in Beastboy's room. He laid on his bed and thought the same thing.
"Maybe I should go talk to her. I mean, I've got nothing else better to do." Beastboy thought. He came out of his room and started walking towards Raven's room. *knock knock*
"Hey Raven? Are you awake?" Raven opened the door a crack.
"Yeah, what do you want?"
"About what happened yesterday, um was it real?" Beastboy asked.
"Beastboy.....of course it was." They leaned in for a kiss and was suddenly interrupted by Cyborg.
"Hey guys! Whatcha do'in?" Cyborg smirked.
"Uh Cyborg! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on the roof with Robin playing basketball?" Beastboy said nervously.
"Yeah, I came down here to get some water. What are you doing outside of Raven's room?" He questioned. Beastboy looked at Raven but she had ditched him and closed her door on him. He rubbed his neck nervously.
"Hehe, you know, try'na make her play video games with me." He lied.
"Well, good luck with that." Cyborg replies as he turns to the kitchen to find something to eat. He then walks back up to the roof where Robin is.
"What took ya so long?" Robin said.
"Oh you know, getting water, fixing up a snack, preventing a kiss from happening, the usual stuff." Cyborg hinted Robin.
"A kiss?!" Robin took the bait. He felt a sudden shock of worry. What if Starfire cheated on him? No, she would never. You can't tell it was Starfire who was about to kiss someone. You need more evidence. "Who are the two lovebirds?" He asked.
"Just BB and Rae." Cyborg said casually.
"How do you know they're together?"
"Well, I heard a conversation going on in the halls and I hid behind a wall and eavesdropped a little. Bb was asking Rae if it was real and I peeked over just in time to catch myself a glimpse of a romantic scene about to happen but I made it more fun by third wheelin cuz that's what I do!" Cyborg smiled proudly.
"I don't believe that but I'll check the security cameras just to make sure it's true." Robin said. "One couple is enough for a tower." Robin smiled.
"So Friend Beastboy is having the relationship with friend Raven? That is most delightful news! I will go wish them all my good blessings!" Starfire said.
"Hold up Star, let's keep it a secret that we know about them so when they tell us we can act like we didn't know ok?" Cyborg said. Just then Robin comes in with a DVD.
"I looked at the security cameras and it seems like we got ourselves two secret lovebirds in the tower." Robin grinned. He put the DVD into a player and it showed up on the main computer screen. It shows the angle of Beastboy's room and Raven's room. Robin fastforwared it to the scene of BB and Raven talking and leaning into each other.
"Hey guys, whatcha watchin?" Beastboy walks in.
"Uh nothing!" Robin throws a birdarang at the screen to hide the image of BB and Raven.
"Dude?! You just knocked out our computer screen!? What's wrong with you?!" Beastboy yelled. Cyborg took the DVD out of the player and broke it in half.
"What's that for?" Beastboy asked
"Nothing just one of my embarassing family albums turned into a DVD." Cyborg said.
"Cool! I wanna see!" Beastboy said.
"Nope sorry gotta go!" Cyborg raced to the trash but was defeated by a cheetah Beastboy. Cyborg then saw no choice but to devour it.
"Gross, how can you even digest that? Whatever I'm going to my room." Beastboy said.

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