Part 5~Reunited

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"Beastboy, I'm sorry that I pretended to not know you at my high school." Terra said. "But I did it out of protection. I didn't wanna hurt you so I waited until you got better. Until you were occupied of something else like the Brotherhood of Evil."
"How did you know I was off fighting the Brotherhood of Evil?"
"You told me remember? At the pizzeria."
"Oh yeah."
"See, this is why I waited. For you to forget and be healed over time."
"But how did you escape from the stone?"
"Raven had to do with it. When she defeated Trigon she released a powerful energy that restored the petrified humans and me. I woke up from my long nap and suddenly remembered everything. I also saw the plague you guys left me. That was sweet." Terra said. She was leaning in for a kiss but Beastboy saw from the corner of his eye that Raven was hiding behind a wall. He pulled away from Terra feeling very regretful but relieved.
Beastboy's POV.
Dude does she still think I love her? I mean I do but wouldn't she have common sense that I've moved on? Man I'm really confused. Who do I love? Raven or Terra? Raven hasn't shown any true feelings for me yet so I can consider that a crush right? But Terra and I admitted our feelings for each other when we almost kissed back at the ferris wheel but got interrupted by Slade. So I guess Terra is true love. But is it wrong that I'm also falling for another girl? I need time to think.
"Sorry Terra but I need some time to think."
"Oh, I understand. After the way I treated you and betrayed you."
"Not just me, the whole team. We need some time to decide where you stand." Beastboy stands and walks towards his room. He looks back and see's a depressed Terra. He felt sorry for her. In Raven's room,
Raven's POV.
Terra almost kissed Beastboy! Why am I freaking out because of this?! I don't even love Beastboy! Or maybe I do?...He did want to get to know me better. But how can I know for sure he loves me? I need some time to think.
Raven begins meditating...

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