Chapter One.

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The picture up top/beside is of Drew before the change and then now. :D Enjoy the first chapter.

Drew's POV

Sometimes when I look out of a window I see nothing. I don't look at the life that is behind it. I always think it might be the world trying to play tricks on me. It isn't suppose to be beautiful. It is suppose to be dark and gloomy. Kind of like my life now. I try to not look out of windows because of this. I see life. I hear life and it just sickens me that life can go in a heartbeat if something goes wrong. It has. Life will always go wrong for me. Why should I ever be the person to show this to someone? I don't want to show people that this is my interpretation of life. Because well life sucks. Life sucks for me. Life sucks for that kid that just fell off of his skateboard. And life sucks for my family. Because they have to have a son like me.

They probably are grateful that I am gone for three months. They seem like they will throw a go away party for me. I don't think that will happen because no one would like to be at a party for me. Everyone hates me. And I think my own parents hate me. My whole family hates me. All my old friends hate me. My whole school hated me and now the whole town hates me. All because of what happened. 

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, I tell myself as I try to do what my therapists in the past have told me t do.

"So how old are you now?" Austin asks as he walks up behind me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I wrap my arm around his.

"Twelve," I say to him. A laugh escapes his mouth and he leans forward. He continues to chuckle a little. He just shakes his head.

"You are so weird," he tells me and we go inside of my house. "But I hope you like the little party I threw you." 

I look around in amusement. I see many people were at the house. My parents weren't home. They were on a business trip to Alaska. I would usually care that they were gone on my birthday, but this was my eighteen birthday party so that was last thing I would think of.

"We are going to stay up all night, swap manly stories, and in the morning we're making waffles," Austin mimics Donkey from Shrek.

I shrug and yell to him as I try to go over the music,"I like waffles."

"Drew, are you going to get out of the car or what?" my dad asks me.

I nod fast and open the door. My thoughts were getting the best of me. I can't believe I am going to be almost nineteen now. It seems so weird. It seems like that happened only a few weeks ago. But it was 265 days ago. And at the same time it felt like it was a long time ago. Life itself has suck ever since then that is for sure.

I get out of the car and almost tripped over my own bag as I try to walk. My mom is walking beside me and it looks like she didn't want to be seen with me as she kept looking around. I quickly put my strap on my backpack tighter and grip on to it more tightly. 

"So on your own four months, what will you do? Besides trying to stay out of trouble?" my mom asks me even though she knows I won't answer. I just give her a shrug and keep looking forward as we get to the entrance of the airport. Many people from school are already here and I look back at the car.

My own father wouldn't even come into the airport and say goodbye to me. That is just giving a hint of how the guy is. I know I have been pretty bad about it and really it is not my fault but just because of my unwillingness to not talk, it doesn't give him the right to do this. I don't know if that makes any sense and it might make it sound like I am selfish but to hell with being selfish. I won't see the man in four months an all he is doing is sitting in there, in that damn car of his. I don't care if he doesn't say goodbye. Like I really don't. I know this might sound like I am sort of contradicting myself but I am not. I just thought he was a bigger man that I am. And I am the one that hasn't spoken a word in almost nine months.

It Starts with Hello ◇Drew Dirksen AUWhere stories live. Discover now