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"Hey babe! I'm home!" JC called to you as he walked in the door. You quickly got up off your bed, where you were blogging on tumblr, and ran down the stairs, excited that he came home. He had gone for three hours to a friends place, and you missed his funny, weirdness. You ran and jumped into JC's arms, making him drop what he was holding in his hands.
"Oh, jeez, (Y/N)! You scared the crap outta me!" He told you.
"Sorry, baby." You apologized, "I'm just glad you're back! I missed you!" You smiled at him, and he grinned back.
"If you run and jump into my arms when I'm gone for like, three hours, what are you gonna do when I get back from being at Playlist Live?" He teased me, setting me down on the living room couch.
I looked up at him, grinning.
"We'll, you're not gonna find out are you? Since you're taking me with you!" You said happily.
JC chuckled at you,
"You're right." he said, and he sat down beside you. You crawled over, and straddled his lap. He grabbed you hands, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"If I had to leave you for a week, I'd miss you WAY too much. I'd have to come home early, because I couldn't stand being away from you for so long. I don't know how I survived all of my life before I met you, (Y/N). I love you." He told me, gazing into my eyes. I kissed him sweetly, passionately.
"JC, if you left for a week I'd be an emotional wreak, not to mention, so would Wishbone! We love you too much!" You giggled, and kissed JC's cheek. He blushed.
"Awe, (Y/N)! That's sooooo sweet!" He laughed, and he pushed you off his lap.
"Owwwww! JC!!!" You yelled, at your boyfriend laughing so hard he was almost in hysterics.
"You should've seen your face!" JC managed to choke out. He imitated what you looked like, and then you were in hysterics as well. JC was standing, and you were laying on the floor. You grabbed JC's ankles and pulled him down.
"Ow! That wasn't very nice!" JC yelled at you.
You were both crying because you were laughing so hard.
"Yeah, well, you pushing me on the floor wasn't very nice either, now was it?!" You told him between giggles.
You both slowly calmed down, just laying on the carpeted floor.
JC rolled over so he was hovering over you. He leaned down and kissed you passionately. You kissed back, and intertwined your fingers in his hair, taking off the snap back he was wearing.
"Ew! Get a room!" Ricky yelled.
You and JC broke apart, looking up to see Connor and Ricky standing in the doorway.
"Well, before you idiots came in here, we DID have a room." JC said. You giggled, and pecked him on the lips sweetly.
"Okay, ew, I'm leaving" Connor said, walking out of the room.
"No sex on the living room floor!" Ricky screamed, running back to his room.
"They're such dorks." You giggled at your friends.
"Hey, so are you!"JC told you. You playfully punched him in the shoulder, and pulled his face down to yours to kiss him again.

Credit to heyitsgina19

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