Meeting the cast

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Stephanie's POV

"Alright then let's just go around and say your name and what character/characters you play, and...uh something about yourself."

"Hi, I'm Dan and I am playing Jack Kelly and I peed on myself when I found out I got the role", I remember him from the auditions, he seemed nice and he earned a few laughs.

"Hi, I'm Jordan and Spider-Man is one of my idols."

"Wait me? Ok! Hi, I'm Josh and my life motto is bacon is not an obsession, bacon is a lifestyle. I will be your best friend if you give me bacon. Oh!, I'm playing Darcy."

I was sitting next to a girl who had a young girl on her lap and Ben, who was next.

"Hello, I'm Benjamin but don't ever call me that, please call me Ben. I am playing race and I am really excited to start this show."

It's hard not to stare into Ben's beautiful blue eyes when he is talking, and I had the urge to just go up and hug him.

It was my turn and I smiled at everyone, "Hi! I am Stephanie Styles and I'm playing Katherine, and this has been my dream and right now, I am living it and I'm excited that I get to live it with all of yall."

"That's so sweet, I don't think I can top that. But hello everyone, I am Meredith and this is my daughter Wren, I am lucky that I am aloud to ring her on tour with everyone. She is not shy at all and if she gets annoying, just come to me or tell her stop, she will listen. And in the show, I am playing Hanna, and I am understudying for Medda."

"HI", Wren said, waving at everyone. She earned a laugh from everyone and seeing that she did she squinted her eyes shut and gave us a cheesy smile. Once again, earning a laugh from everyone else,

"Show off", Merideth said opening a snack for Wren.

Once everyone got back on track we finished going around the circle.

"Hi, I am Zachary and I'm playing Crutchie, and I cannot believe I am actually standing here right now."

"Hello fellow people, I am John and I am one of the Les' and I really love Harry Potter."

"Hi, I am Sky and I playing Albert and Scab, and I have never done anything like this before, so I am excited."

Damn that red hair though.

This went on for about another 20 minutes. Then we had a read through of the script and it went pretty well, the whole cast gets along pretty well. Whenever someone messes up, no one whispers about them or laughs at the. They will just whisper to you where we are, or laugh with you.

I started to pack up my bag to go back home, when I saw Josh, Ben, and Sky talking and then walking towards me.

"Hey, we are going to Subway, wanna come?"

I got lost in his eyes, but quickly came back to reality, "Yeah, sure."

We decided to walk to Subway since it wasn't that far away. At first it was kinda awkward because no one was talking, but Josh was the one who broke the ice.

"So...... which is better to y'all, turkey bacon or regular bacon?"

We all just laughed at him and soon conversation followed and he we were all discussing how we got into theater, when my feet started to hurt and I started to slow down.

"Sky, I thought you said Subway was close."

"Well, I might of took a wrong turn... or two."

Everyone groaned, "Seriously Sky?"


"Well, since you're the one who doesn't know where we are going, ca you carry me now?"


I jumped on his back and let him carry me the rest of the way.

We finally found the Subway and Josh was ordering a sandwich with only bacon on it.

"More, more, more, yes keep going... yes that is enough."

The woman looked at him strangely, the sandwich was simply bacon.

We sat down and started to eat once we all got our food. We all sat there Josh talked to his sandwich before taking a bite out of it.

"So, you got a boyfriend at home Steph?"

I looked at Sky, "Well, right now I live here, and no... I have not been in a relationship for a while."

When I said this, I noticed Ben and Sky eyeing each other. I ignored them and ate my sandwich.

We walked out and decided to call a taxi to take us back to the theater.

"Let's trade numbers so we can talk later",Been suggested. We all agreed and we were passing out phones around and when I got mine back, I noticed that they all had also went on my instagram and followed themselves.

We got back to the theater and hung out in the lobby. Even though I had just got to met them, it felt like I had known them for a few years. I could already tell that Ben and Sky were not as close as Josh and Ben were. Josh and Ben had spent the last 10 minutes playing rock paper scissors, trying to find a winner. Before they started this game, we played would you rather, and every question josh would ask, had something to do with bacon.

Then we started to play a game Sky came up with up, I bet you can't. A game when someone bets you can't do something, and if they can, they say I bet I can, then you have to do 30 pushups. Me, hating pushups, hardly ever said I bet I can. And if you attempt and you fail, then you have to give that person 10 cents. I thought it was a pointless game, but I learned a lot about the boys while playing. I ended up owing each boy only 10 cents, but they each owed me a dollar.

And now Sky sat there tallying all the marks whenever someone won. I was on my phone, following everyone in the cast and being weird and looking through Ben's instagram.

"YES BEAT THAT BACON LOVER", Ben screamed jumping up and down.

"NOOOOOOO", Josh fell to the ground screaming.

I laughed patted Josh shoulder, "It's ok, I think you will live."

"Can y'all believe that in 4 weeks we are starting the tour?", Sky said.

"It's crazy to really think about it ", I said sitting down next to him.

"I'm just excited to see who we get to room with", Josh said.

"I'm excited to start rehearsal tomorrow", Ben said.

I can't believe we already are starting rehearsal tomorrow. And then after 4 weeks, we hit the road, which is crazy to think about. I wonder how Amelia is going to take this.....


I looked at Ben, giving him a confused look, "Do you want us to pick you up tomorrow morning?", He asked me.

"Ya, are you sure it wouldn't be too much for you?", I asked.

"Ya it's fine!"

My phone buzzed, showing me a text from Amelia telling me she was waiting outside the theater for me.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for all the reads!!!! I can not belive that may of you read the story!! I want to thank you all for reading the book, even when the chapters sucked and giving me the courage to continue writing the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all! Thank you<3

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