The invite

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Stephanie's POV:

I woke up the next morning at 6, by Amelia jumping on top of me.

" What the heck, why are you waking me up so early it's only 5 o'clock" I said to her pushing her off the bed and sitting up. " why did you wake me up, I don't have rehearsal until 9."

" Because Andy is going to call you!" Amelia said jumping on top of her bed.

" Amelia, I don't think that he is going to call me at 5 o'clock in the morning" I said her pulling the covers over my head.

" Fine but you should get ready for rehearsal, don't you want to look good?"

" Uhhhhh........ are you really going to make me get dressed right now?" I muffled from underneath the covers

" Yes, my sister is going to meet THE Andy Richardson, and if I ever want to meet him, you have to make a good impression." said Amelia.

In the next five minutes I was dressed and in the elevator going down to the lobby to get coffee with Amelia. As soon as the elevator door opened, Amelia grabbed my hand and pulled us behind a bush.

" What the hell Amelia." I said trying to break free from her grip on my wrist.

"Look over there", she said whispering to me.

I looked in the direction she was pointing, there was Ryan Steele.

I stood up, and started to walk back to the elevator, looking down, and making sure he was not looking my way. Amelia was squealing behind me and was on her phone, taking pictures.

" Amelia, stop taking pictures, he just a normal human being", I hissed at her.

" No he is on some normal human being, he is a figure of beauty and wonderfulness." she said.

" Just stop!", I said back to her.

" Fine, I got what I needed for my instagram page anyway", she was busy editing the photo already, and started to make a collage of the 15 pictures she took.

She was so focused on her pictures, and I was pressing the elevator button over and over again and the elevator doors were not opening, I did not notice that Ryan started to walk towards our direction. That was until Amelia Kicked my leg and Ryan was using the vending machine right behind us. When I looked up, I saw Ryan glance in my direction. Then he walked up to me and said, " I'm sorry but you look really familiar, is there any chance I have seen you somewhere?"

" Oh, um I saw the show last night and you signed my playbill and took a picture with me." I said shyly.

" And she is going to be the new Katherine!!!", Amelia blurted out.

Oh my God, what the fuck Amelia, did you have to say that?! Know he going to think i'm some sort of fan girl joining the cast. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

" Oh, that's why you look so familiar, all the boys in the cast watched your audition and callback" Ryan said.

" Wait, all of you watched my audition?!", I said my cheeks were definitely red now.

" Yeah...." he said looking down at the ground , " but it was only because we did not know anything about you, and the director gave us the video" he said trying to defend himself.

It was cute the way he tried to sound innocent, and his smile made me wanted to smile the rest of the day. At this point the elevator door opened and only amelia walked inside, Ryan and I did not notice it at all, and before you knew it the doors closed and Amelia was on her way back to the room, without me. All of the sudden I felt awkward without her there. Thankfully, Ryan kept the conversation going.

" So are you coming to the rehearsal today?"

" Yeah, i'm really nervous." I said.

" Aww, don't be nervous, we are all family, the cast,and we will support you no matter how many times you mess up."

I smile when he said this, and he said, " Tell you what, come an hour early, I will meet you down here with a few others and we will go to rehearsal, here is my number."

" Thanks I said", I really just wanted to kiss him right now, but that would be weird, so I just said, " ok well i'm going to go back up now."

" Alright, I will see you later then." he said walking away from me and out the lobby.

When I got to my room, Amelia was sitting outside it.

" You have the key and I left mine in the room." she said to me.

I laughed at her and said," Why didn't you text me?"

She picked up her phone and gave me a straight face, " dead, and I didn't want to go down there, when yall were talking, that would of been so weird."

I just laughed and unlocked the door and went in, and I layed down on the bed and smiled.

" Whats going on?" said Amelia, " Do you like Ryan?"

" NO".

" Come on you never look like this, wait... WAIT DO YOU LIKE ANDY AND RYAN???"

" No, Amelia calm down." I said to her really frustrated.

"OMG I can not wait to see how this turns out!." she said. then she started to dig through her suitcase for her charger.

I got underneath the covers of my bed and smiled,Ryan was pretty cute, and nice, then I realized that Ryan was in the lobby when I saw him, and then he just walked out the hotel, why was that.

I was having a wonderful time daydreaming about Ryan, when Andy called.

Ryan POV:

I walked out of the lobby, and saw Andy waiting for me.

" What took you so long?" he said.

" I just ran into someone, that's all."

" Well you took a good 20 minutes to run into someone."

" It was a girl, and, she is playing the new Katherine." I said

" Oh, well ok I forgive you then since she is going to be part of the cast,and you were just trying to be nice" he sighed, " what was her name?"

" You know what, she didn't tell me were you there when we watched the video of her audition?" I said, I really should've asked her that.

" No, I was rehearsing with my understudy." he said.

" Oh, well I invited her to come to rehearsal an hour earlier than she is called, so she can get to know everybody, i'm meeting her here then, wanna come with?"

" Yeah of course" Andy said, " i'm going to go back to the hotel, I left my phone there and I need to call someone."

" Alright let's go." I said.

" Why did you need to come here again?" asked Andy.

" I told, that I just needed a ride here, because I forgot something." I said.

" Ok, but you better be telling the truth." said Andy

" I am I swear" I said, even though I was lying.

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