The callbacks

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Josh's POV:

"This is it, the big day, and after today I will probably have to wait forever to see if I even got in. After last night, I just hope I get in, because I know that there is no doubt that Stephanie will get in. I don't know if I like her to be honest, last night I was crazy about her, but know I am starting to have some second thoughts. But, it's not anything to worry about because I had only just met here, and I am pretty sure she doesn't even like me. Now let's go kick some butt and go nail these callbacks!" I finished my pep talk to myself in front of the mirror and tried to get Stephanie out of my mind, because all I needed to focus on right now is doing my best today at the callback.

I walked out to the kitchen and smell bacon, and soon my mind forgets everything about Stephanie and I focus on my true love, bacon. I grabbed my dance bag and met my mom down stairs in the lobby to hail a taxi.

Stephanie's POV:

"Stephanie I have to pee!"

Tommy was whining outside the bathroom door,again.




I try to get ready for the callbacks, I really was not putting makeup on, I just needed an excuse. Last night was a sleepless night, and none of it had to do what happened a night 4 years ago. Amelia was up all night with nightmares every time she closed her eyes.

The bathroom was the only place in the house, I could be totally be by myself, without anyone bothering me. I was already dressed and I was ready to go, but I am tired and I just wanna think about things and prepare myself mentally for these callbacks.


I woke up in the middle of the night and heard Amelia screaming.

"Amelia?", I yelled. I looked over and saw that she wasn't in her bed. I immediately got up and ran out of the room. All of the lights were on in the house, which was weird. I saw my dad's door to his open and I walked towards the room, and I heard squeals coming from Amelia. I opened the door and saw something that would scar me for life. I saw another women in my dad's bed, but she was wearing really tiny clothes and she was lying in the bed tangled up in the sheets, and she had way too much makeup on. She laid there laughing as my dad stood there in his boxers and stripped Amelia's clothes from her skin. The last thing he ripped of from her bare body was her underwear. I stood there in the doorway not knowing what would happen, or what to do, but the moment my father stripped Amelia from her underwear, I ran forward. But, the woman grabbed me and threw me on the bed, it smelled bad and I turned my head towards Amelia and saw my dad drawing a belt from his drawer. I screamed for Amelia to run, and I didn't have to ask her more than once, the woman had me pinned to the bed but Amelia ran. But my dad was faster and pounced on top of her tiny body.

"Where the hell do you think your going?", he hissed in her ear.

"HELP ME!", Amelia screamed flailing in bare body as much as her could. The woman then just let go of me and walked over to where Amelia and my dad laid on the floor. My dad got the belt and brought it up and then whipped it against Amelia's bare body. Amelia burst out in tears, not that she wasnt crying before. She let out a scream so loud the woman smacked her face leaving a bright red mark across her face. Then the woman went to her purse that was laying on the ground and brought out a roll of duct tape. Then she brought my arms up and started to wrap them around the bedpost, but she brought my arms up higher than I actually was. It hurt so bad and she told me not to scream or I would regret it. I could no longer she Amelia, but heard the belt beating her bare butt,and heard him laughing as she screamed on top her lunge and sobbed. I cried as the woman wrapped the duct tape more and more time around the pole and started to wrap my stomach. . My arms hurt and my dad was still laughing and the woman had joined in the laughter as well. Whenever I tried to move, the duct tape would hurt even worse, because my skin was stuck to it and it felt like someone was pulling my skin apart. My arms hurt so bad and I wanted to die right there. Then everything fell asleep and then I see you dad close a draw. Then I heard the whips, two belts my dad had used to whip Amelia. She screamed like she was dying and I couldn't help it anymore, I didn't care what this woman would do to me, I screamed, "HELP ME MURDER, MURDER, MURDER HELP ME ANYBODY!!!!!" I hoped that hopefully one of the neighbors would hear this and call the police. But I didn't even care because my dad whipped the belt across my face and on my arms and legs, and I screamed out in pain, but he just laughed and turned to the woman and started to kiss her, she jumped on him, and he held her around his waist, still kissing her and they walked out the room. Both Amelia and I lay there lifeless. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something shine. I saw a blade in this woman's purse. The purse was right beneath me and I reached my legs out as far as I could and I somehow grabbed the blade in between my toes and raised it up to my hands. Thank to the gymnastics I had been taking I could actually do that. I worked hard to cut through the duct tape and I felt my hands starting to be able to move a little more and I felt my arms break free. I cried, the minute my arms went down they hurt like hell. I quickly ripped the duct tape on my stomach and ran over to Amelia the minute my whole body could move once again. She laid there lifeless, bare on the floor. she had red marks everywhere, and was even bleeding, just the sight of her made me cry uncontrollably. "It hurts Stephanie", Amelia whispered to me, her voice was hoarse from screaming. "I know, it's gonna be ok", I told her finding her clothes in the corner and sliding it back on her frail beat up body. I went to the bathroom in the room and found a cream I could rub on the red marks. I started to rub the the cream on her back, "Stephanie?"

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