The mistake

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Stephanie's POV:

I picked up my phone answered it

" Hello" I said trying not to sound weird.

" Hey um it's Andy" he said back.

" Hey Andy, what's up."

" Hey this sounds terrible but, what's your name?"

I can not believe I never told him my name, " Oh, that's my fault, my name is Stephanie."

" Well Stephanie, do you want to eat lunch later together?" he said the last part really fast, like it was something hard for him to say.

" Actually I have rehearsal", I didn't want to tell him just yet that I was in the cast.

" Right" there was a moment of silence but luckily he broke it, " what show are you in?"

Then Amelia flushed the toilet so loudly i'm pretty sure Andy thinks i'm in the bathroom talking to him. Then Amelia saw me on the phone and screamed, " IS THAT ANDY?!"

Andy then answered, " Um, Stephanie, is that you?"

" No its not me it's my sister, I'm sorry I'm just going to walk out in the hallway."

Oh God i'm so stupid, I'm narrating what I am doing on the phone, while talking to him. He probably thinks i'm some creepy now.

" So what show did you say you were in before your sister screamed my name?" he chuckled at himself when he said the last part.

I took a deep breath and said, " I'm playing the new Katherine in Newsies."

There was a moment of silence, he did not say anything. To tell the truth, I don't know why it was such a big deal to tell him this. I guess I just liked the fact that he liked me for a ordinary person. OK, this moment of silence was getting too long I said, " hello?"

" Wait are you serious?!" he finally said, sounding so excited he started to laugh.

" Yes, I am dead serious", I said smiling now, I could hear him laughing on the other side of the phone.

" Wait... then was it you that Ryan was talking to earlier?" he said not sounding as excited as he was before.

" Yeah, and he is bringing me to rehearsal an hour early so I can get to know the cast." I said.

" I'm so excited that you are the new Katherine!" he said.

" I just hope I don't screw everything up." I said sighing.

" You won't screw everything up.... that's what i'm here for, I'm usually the one who messes everything up and look at me everyone still loves me." he said

I laughed at this

" Yeah!, I made you laugh" he cheered

" Alright, I'm gonna go and get ready for rehearsal, Ryan is picking me up in 20 minutes." I said smiling.

"Ok I will see you there!" he said,and he hung up.

I smiled at myself and walked back in the room, Amelia was behind the door, obviously he was listening to the whole conversation.

Amelia smiled and said, " go get ready?!, you are already ready you could of talked to him for another 20 minutes!"

I laughed, " I didn't want thing to get awkward so I hung up before I was just sitting there on the phone talking about stupid things, just so I could stay on the phone with him longer."

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