A Broken Angel and A Monster

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 Heyy you guys! Let me know what you think now that the first chapter has been edited. I hope you all like it :)


Chelsea get your ass down here right now!” her dad yelled pissed off from down stairs. Chelsea got up from her bed and made her way slowly down the stairs knowing what was soon to come. She knew her dad would be upset with her grades and her attendance at school.

As her foot made contact with the last step he father appeared from nowhere and grabbed her hair pulling her off the step. He held her tight and began to yell at her. She was surprised the neighbors hadn’t heard.

“Have you by chance seen your grades!” he yelled throwing her to the ground. Her back hit the sharp edge of the corner and she let out a cry of pain.

“Stop it Charles!” her mother yelled coming into the room, she grabbed onto his arm at an attempt to stop him as he began to walk toward Chelsea, he turned around in rage and slapped Chelsea’s mom across the face. She shrieked as her head jerked to the side and she crumbled to the ground.

“Mom!” Chelsea yelled out. Trying to crawl over to her.

“Shut up you little bitch!” her dad yelled at her before his foot made contact with her stomachic, she grunted and held her stomachic. “Get your ass up stairs!” he yelled.

Chelsea picked herself up off the grounded and as quickly as possible she made her way upstairs and in to her room. She closed the door behind her and leaned up against it; she slid down to the floor and sat there, tears rolling down her face. She didn’t understand why her father had to act like this. She didn’t know what she did wrong to cause him to get so upset. She didn’t know what to do; all she could do was cry, curling up into a ball Chelsea cried herself to sleep.

The next morning Chelsea woke up and picked herself up off the cold, hard, unfriendly wood floor of her bedroom. She walked into her bathroom and tore off her dirty clothes, turning on the hot water she stepped into the shower as the water washed over her body; she wished the water would just wash her memories away down the drain to who knows where, until they were forgotten.

Once down with her daily routine in the shower, she wrapped a towel around her small fragile body and stepped out of the shower. She dropped the towel and began to put on her underwear, it was difficult not to notice the bruises and scares on her body, and she remembered the pain that came with each and every one of them. She saw the bruise starting to form on her stomachic from where her father kicked her the night before. She trailed her fingers across it, burning slightly. She slammed her fist down on the table and wondered why she let him do this. Why couldn’t she just run away?

“Chelsea get ready for school!” her father yelled at her through her door  before he made his way down stairs and outside slamming the door behind himself. He knew ate breakfast with them anymore, she thought it was because of her or maybe her mother.

Chelsea sighed, yet another day for bratty girls and stuck up jocks to stare at her and point and laugh. She threw on her black skinny jeans and a Green Day t-shirt she dried her hair and left it down to cover her face before she walked out of her bathroom and pulled on a pair of black converse. She picked up her backpack and IPod and walking down stairs into the kitchen.

A Broken Angel and A Monster (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now