Chapter 15:Chest Muscles and Scary-Looking Teeth.

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T: <<<--------Means translation. Pic is of Milly's hair!!


I looked around and a thought came to mind, Hey, I can get used to this!! Not the time Zee!!

One of the guys with sexy abs growled at Blade and went to- Okay is it me or everyone growling today?!?!

"Bawa berkembar untuk saya sekarang." The leader said in Malay.

T: Bring the twin to me now!!

"Ya tuan." The guy who replied was holding a girl in his arms to stop her from breaking free.

T: Yes sir.

Wait, that's Milly!! I shout at Blade the only thing that comes to mind,

"Πρέπει να την βοηθήσει!!"

T: We need to help her!!

"Δεν είναι καμία χρήση, νομίζει ότι είναι το δίδυμό σας!!"

T: It's no use, he thinks she is your twin!!

"Αλλά Άλεξ είναι δίδυμα μου!!"

T: But Alex is my twin!!

"Enough!!" The leader shouted. Okay somebody didn't eat their breakfast today!

"What do you want with Milly??" I shouted at him.

"I want Blade's head in my hands then I'll let her go." I looked towards Blade and asked him a silent question with my eyes, What are we going to do?? He signaled one of the signals he's been teaching me for months. I signal back and start towards the guy holding Milly. His eyes widen as he realise what I'm about to do, but is too late, as I smash into the side of his face with my feet he toppals over and lets go of Milly in the process. I grab Milly's wrist and ran while calculating the plan in my head. A massive CRASH has me and Milly stop in our tracks and turn around as the event in front of us unravel.

Blade was thrown all the way over to us and we had to rush out of the way to stop from being taken down. OhMamma!! I ran over to Blade still holding Milly's wrist and knelt down beside him and looked for injuries and found none.But I did get a good look of his chest and as soon as I did I blushed, Damn You Hormones!! I hid my face in my hair and helped Blade to his feet. As soon as his feet touched the ground he sped of towards the shirtless guys in a speed I've never seen before.

"Inizio!!" Blade shouted just before he slammed into the shirtless leader. I grabbed Milly's wrist and pulled her into the woods and explained to her what we had to do next in order to help Blade.

"Hey Beautiful, need a hand??" I turned around and saw a load of people who looked like Blade and smiled.

"Ready to calci in culo, Khyber??" I replied smuggly knowing he couldn't stand not being here.

"You seriously expect me to miss this?!?! Your pazzesco!!" I smiled and walked over to him with Milly close behind and said,

"Let's calci in culo!!" As soon as the words left my mouth everyone was soon involved in the fight, everyone ending up dead or injured...


What about Blade and L-J?? Are they dead or injured??

Find out in Chapter 16!!

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

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