Chapter 1:Insomniated, Ninjary Or Just Plain Goddamn Confused?!

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As I sat my desk in maths, I sighed out loud so hopefully our teacher, Mr. Ginstorne, would realise how boring maths really is.

"Is there a problem Miss.Rider?" Mr. Ginstorne asked.

"Yes. Yes there is." I replied.

"Mind sharing your problem?" He grinned, thinking that I wouldn't dare answer him back. I think I surprised him just as much as I suprised myself, when I did. But I couldn't let my classmates down at the chance to listen to something other than maths.

"Well it's just the fact that your lessons suck ass, and that I'm nearly dying of bordom here!"

"Well for that, you can go see the head. Now." He replied coldly, then handed me a slip of yellow paper to excuse me from class. "Take this, your sour attitude, and get to the Heads office now!"

I walked up to the teacher after collecting my things, I then set off out the door.


As I got to my car, I could see a piece of paper sticking out from one of the window wipers. I unfolded it to see three words that unnerved me completely. A hand reached out and grabbed my sholder. I gave a small yelp, as the person the hand belonged to spun me round to face them. It was a boy about the same height as me (and I'm small!) with blonde-ish brown hair and brown eyes, he also looked like he was the same age as me as well.

"Woah! Calm down I just wanted to ask if you knew L-J Rider, and if you did, could you tell me where she is?" The boy asked.

"Well, if I do happen to who and where she is, I'm gonna need a name and reason why you what to know." I shot at him like venom for reasons my aunt would freak if she was here, which I'm glad that I have my bank account.

"What is she royalty or something? The names Alex-Douggie Rider." He replied with the same amount of venom and a smirk playing at his lips. I just stood there staring at his now out-streached hand.

"Ooohh, who's this then?" Toneia exclaimed, as she bounced over in shear delight that there was a new guy in our year, wait does he even go to this school?! "C'mon don't keep him all to yourself L-J!"

"I'm Alex-Douggie Rider." He told her with a warm smile.

"A relative? Ooooh careful L-J we might be related one day!"

At the sound of her statement, his head snaped up to look me in the eyes. "Your Lucy-Jayne?"

Toneia seemed confused at his question. "Your don't even know your own relative?!?! Well maybe your parents might not have kept in touch since you were born, so it makes sense!"

"No, Auntie Sue would have said something. Plus don't talk 'bout my parents!" I said to Toneia as cold as I could. "I don't need that right now." I turned to Alex who was just stairing at us as confused as ever.

"Now tell me why you wanted to speak to me, and why the goddamn hell do you have the same last name as me?!?!"

He sighed and started to say, "Well I...


I know this might seem really boring and you think that CBA reading this anymore, but it's gonna get into the drama I promise :)

Love, Love, Love Always L-J,x

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