Chapter 1

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*Warning: I had this story on here before I removed it to edit it. Its not a very good story but you can read it if you want. Thank to all of you who do!(:*

 Also, a huge thanks to DiscordedGirl for making the cover for this story!

"Nicole get up your going to be late for school!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. 

I groaned and threw my covers off me. Great time to wake up for school. I sit up and stretched my arms before getting up.

I walked over to my walk in closet and pick out some clothes for the school day ahead of me.

So I guess I may need to introduce myself, I'm Nicole Miller and I am 15 years old...and well I'm a freshman in high school.Yay! Not. 

I have blond hair and I'm about 5'6 and I'm not to skinny quite frankly I'm kind of chunky and I'm ok with it.

I get dressed and do my hair. I also but on some make-up before getting up and leaving my room.

 I head down stairs into the kitchen were my mom and my little brother Mason are sitting there eating breakfast.

I grab some cereal and the I go over and sit down at the table across from my mom and next to Mason. 

 "Nicole don't forget that my old friend Cindy and her son are coming over for dinner tonight."Mom reminded me.

 "Ok mom I wont." I promised then I glanced  the clock on the wall and saw that is was time for me to head to school.

 "Well im off to school bye love you!" I said before I got up and put my dishes in the sink and gave Mason a quick hug.

Grabbing my backpack and slipping on my shoes before walking out the front door. I headed in the direction of my school.

Since I am only 15, I have to walk. Its fine by me because it isn't really far away and its like my own thinking time.

I got it to school in what seemed like no time and then I headed in the direction of my locker. When I got there I saw that my two best friends were leaning against it.

"Hey Hannah, Hey Justin." I waved to them as I stopped in front of my locker to put my books inside.

"Hey girl, so you want to come over and watch the new movie I got tonight?" Hannah asked. 

I love my best friend to death. She is about 5'2 , short compared to my 5'6 frame with her wild red hair. 

My other best friend ,Justin, well he is just Justin. He is on the football team and he is about 6'1. He has brown hair that he flips constantly but hey it suits him.

"Nah I cant. My moms old friend and her son are coming over for dinner tonight and I have to be there." I said sighing.

 I didnt really understand why I had to be there but I didnt was to complain to my mom and stress her out so I just dealt with it.

Hannah looked to be thinking before she spoke after a moment or two.

"Oh yeah, I wonder if her son is cute!" 

Hannah is a bit ehh boy crazy. Its quite funny when you see her talking about a boy. She goes crazy but not like stalkerish crazy just, well boy crazy.

"I don't know Hannah, I guess I will find out tonight." I said with a laugh. 

"Hey guys, I'm right here and quite frankly I don't want to talk about if guys will be cute are not because well, guys don't do that! Its not manly!" Justin complained.

 "Well is a good thing your not manly then isn't it."Hannah said to Justin as she patted his shoulder.

Justin put his hand over his heart and opened his mouth to respond to Hannah but he was cut off by the shrill of the bell.

"Bye guys see you later!" I said while walking to class.

The rest of the day went by surprisingly fast and before I realised it I was in my bedroom getting ready for the dinner guests we were having.

 Mom told me to dress nice so I picked out my light blue dress that comes right below my knee and I paired it with a pair of light blue strappy heels. 

Next I curled my hair and put on just a little make-up. I will have to admit I looked quite nice.

Why I was dressing up so much, I don't really know. It was just one of those things that I wanted to look nice for.

"Nicole! Cindy and her son are here! Get down here!" I heard my mom yelled from the bottom of the steps.

 I walked down the steps and into the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen there was a women who I guessed was Cindy and a boy who looked about my age, but his back was to me so I couldn't see his face.

 "Nicole! Oh my gosh you have grown up so much since the last time I saw you!" Cindy said while hugging my really tight. 

I awkwardly hugged her back. Its always nice when people you don't know just hug you, isn't it? 

Then the boy turned around...


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