First And Last Dance [Part 2]

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..::Chapter Sixteen::..

..::Faith Ellsworth's P.O.V.::..

“S-Sylvia?” I stutter, looking up at her in horror.

She walks over to me and crouches before me. “Shocked, aren’t you?” she smirks. “You’re probably wondering why I did this. I mean I was your friend after all, right?” She paused for dramatic effect. “Wrong. It was all a lie. All of it. Each and every moment we spent together was to prepare for this, right now.”

I just couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. “Why are you doing this?” I ask.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Getting right to the chance, I see. Well, it’s simple, really. I mean if you had paid attention to the signs you probably could’ve prevented this. It all comes down to one person. Wade.”

I look at her strangely. What did she mean it has to do with Wade? She hits me over the head and then drags me to God knows where because of my boyfriend? Is this chick crazy? No, I already know the answer to that question.

“What about him?” I ask, trying to sound confident.

She narrows her eyes at me. “If you hadn’t come, Wade would’ve been with me. Our families have known each other forever and we even used to be friends back in grade school. But you just had to waltz in and snatch him away!” she raged.

“You like Wade? Then why did you help us get together and why did you insist on us coming to the dance tonight?” I inquire.

She extended her legs, standing up at full height again. “You are so dumb, Faith. The reasons are obvious. If I didn’t pretend to be on board, Wade would hate me. After all, he liked you and if I tried to intervene, he would’ve just brushed me aside. And as for the dance, I needed you to come or else this plan wouldn’t work.”

“What plan?” I ask hesitantly.

“This plan,” she sneered before kicking my stomach. 

I coughed as she knocked the wind out of me. I tried to stand up but my head hurt and knocked me off balance. She threw a punch at me but luckily I was able to sidestep her, avoiding the blow. She growled under her breath. “Why you?”

“Maybe because I’m not a lunatic who kidnaps and beats people,” I say, putting a finger to my chin.

She narrows her eyes even more. Shoot, that was probably a rhetorical question. She throws another punch and it lands on my shoulder. I cry out but bite back my tears. Then, out of nowhere, someone barges in and tackles Sylvia to the ground. I look down to discover that it’s Wade! I fall to the ground in relief.

A moment later, Chloe rushes in through the door, the police behind her. She scans the room before spotting me and running over. She wraps her arms around me and I sob into her shoulder. “Faith, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know she liked him. She never said anything before. Please don’t hate me,” she rambles.

I chuckle but then wince because of my stomach. “It’s okay, Chloe. How’d you guys find me?”

We pulled back and she said, “Well, when neither you nor Sylvia came back, I went into the bathroom to look for you but then I saw a bit of blood on the ground and freaked. I told Shane and Wade about it and Shane told me that he knew about Sylvia’s crush on Wade. So we went to her house and luckily we found you out here. Sylvia’s family has a lot of property and this is their barn.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Can we just get out of here?” I ask weakly.

“Of course.”


“Hi,” I hear a familiar voice say. My head snaps up to see Wade standing at the door of my hospital room.

“Hi,” I say back, smiling.

He walks over and takes a seat beside me on the bed. I pull the covers up enough to cover me. I didn’t want him seeing the hideous hospital gown I was wearing. “So what’s the verdict?” he asks, kissing my forehead.

I sigh. “Just a mild concussion and a broken rib,” I say, trying my best to shrug.

“Oh, that’s all?” he replied sarcastically.

“What happened to her?”

“Sylvia? Oh she’s been arrested for assault and kidnapping,” he says, waving a hand dismissively.

“Oh, that’s all?” I mock.

“Whatever, cripple.”

I gasp and place a hand over my heart. “You are soulless,” I scowl at him playfully.

Wade smiles and takes something out of his pocket. “I have something for you.”

I cock my head to the side. “What is it?” I ask eagerly.

“Close your eyes,” he says, smirking.

I roll my eyes but comply. A minute later, I feel something hard slide onto my left ring finger. My eyes snap open and I glance down at my hand.

“A promise ring?” I ask, surprised.

He blushes and runs a hand through his blonde hair. “Yeah, well, Shane and I went to get them together a few days ago but I didn’t get a chance to give it to you because of… you know.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He presses a light kiss to my lips. “I love you, Faith.”

“I love you, Wade.”


..::Author's Note::..

So this story is complete! Please comment and fan! And read my new story Surpassing Logan. I plan on beginning it tomorrow! Thank you so much for sticking with this story til the end!! I love you all! 

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