11. Sarah

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I hope you will love this update...........

If you think What's special in this update, then my dears this is the place where I am going to release the dark secret James was hiding from us...........

I have already gave you a hint in the previous updates when Sarah got kidnapped, but if you have not realised it this this will be it where I hope you'll love it..........................

Happy reading....................



"See I don't want any relations with you, so please leave me alone."

"Is that the bastard who filled your ears and brain washed you, cause you were happy to be with me yesterday then what made you change your mind?" said Milton.

"It was not him it is you whom I don't want to be with." He slapped me hard on my face. The door is locked and I can't go outside or no one can get inside. All I could do now was dialling the person who can save me..............


I am scared cause I have been cornered in this wash room by Milton and he is acting as a monster. Without him noticing me I have dialled James number praying and hoping he would understand in which situation I am.

 "Please lets have a talk as civilians, we can go out and sort it out" I pleaded him.

"No this is the only place we can talk without any disturbance." He stood stubborn in his place.

Please god help me....I was praying to the god to help me in any means of way.

"Milton, we are in the restroom people may come at any moment. It won't look good by locking ourself in this place."

"Trust me Sarah, no one is going to come here to disturb us. I want you to know how I do feel for you, this is not like womanising around others. I like you Sarah, Love I know its all new and fast for me but baby just give me a chance.

I will prove that you are also having the same feeling for me, I can see it in your eyes which you are denying. If that bastard has not shown up you would have been with me in my arms were I would make you feel secured." His eyes were dark as rage took over him. 

I am scared to look into his eyes so I held my head down not liking to show him how I was scared but listening to his words he spoke about James which hit my nerve.

"For god sake Milton stop bringing James in to this issue. I am a grown up woman who can decide what she wants in her life.

I'm not a slave who always listens to the orders given by my master. Is that clear I have my own mind. And for god sake James is not a mobster like you who kills all the innocent for your own greed. I don't want to lead my life with such cruel person in my life."

He started laughing bitterly at my words. "You think that James of your's is innocent and I am a greedy bastard who kills innocent people. How naive are you love can't you see the wolf covered in that skin of a sheep in him??"

"What are you talking about Milton?" I asked a bit confused about what he was saying.

"What I am saying that my darling is...." his words cut off by the sound of door burst open and James standing in front of me with a gun in his hands.

"You bitch." Milton slapped me hard on my face making me fall on the ground. He claims that he loves me and here I am getting slapped by him. what sort of love makes you happy by hurting others.

"Milton!!!!!" James growled and he was by my side as a lighting kneeling in front of me and holding me in his arms making me feel like home.

"Are you alright Sarah?" He asked me with concern in his eyes. Even though he never claimed that he liked me I knew he is the one whom I can count on when I need some one for me whom I can say mine other than Diana.

I just nodded saying that I am fine. Helping me to stand on my feet, after that he Stood in front of me towering me as a wall between Milton and I, to protect me from him.

"How dare you to raise your hand on her bastard? I'm gonna make you regret the day you were born on."

"Try me" Milton said, I gave him a disgusting look. I hated him from core of my heart by just meeting twice in my life. 

Both were fighting with each other, no one was stepping down to stop the fight. I was rooted in my place by looking the scenario playing in front of my eyes.

"I will never allow some one to have something which can't be mine. Either she is mine or she can't be others." 

I thought he was rambling in anger but when he pushed James from his top and made him landing on the floor, he took the gun out and pointed it towards me. I didn't made a move when he fired the gun, this is the day where I am going to be dead.

So I looked at James as I wanted him to be the last person to see before I go away from this world. Every thing was moving in a slow motion and I was waiting for the bullet to hit me and end it but it never came to me as I felt some one pulled me out of my stance.

I don't remember meeting this person who was in front of me but he pulled a gun out of his coat and thrown it towards  James who swiftly took and shoot straight in the heart of Milton. I gasped by looking at the monster who stood in front of me with him I have spend almost 3 years in my life.

"So, do you say this person in front of me is innocent Sarah?" Milton was speaking not even caring to the blood that is dripping from his chest.

"Stop It Milton" said James

"Do you think he is just a CEO in this business world?" 

"Stop It" James was roaring as Milton was questioning me.....

"I simply did not say he was the wolf covered by the skin of a sheep Sarah, I mean it because he is also same as me." he said

"Wha -What do you mean by it?" I don't know from where i found my voice to question him back but by heart was doubling and beating faster cause I don't know what is going in my life.

"Sarah don't listen to him. and you stop it or I will not regret killing you" said James with full rage.

"I will make sure she will hate you, I will be happy that she can't be either mine or your's by listening what truth I am going to tell her."

"I have asked you to stop it Milton." With that James has fired another bullet in Milton's knee making him to fall on the ground. I screamed when I heard him shooting at his knee.

"I am just a mobster of Italian Mafia but this guy is Italian-American mobster who hides his real identity from the world." 

James was shooting furiously at Milton making his  body lie on the floor drowning in his own blood. But my mind is not able to digest the words said by Milton, that James is also a mobster but he is the leader of Italian-American mob...................  


Did you like it??????

ok who taught Hunter is also a mobster, will Sarah digest this news.........

Let's wait and see what is going to happen.....

And ya if you remember why Sarah and Hunter were shocked to see and listen about Milton, then this is the reason where they thought he was dead when James shoot him.

ok let's meet in the next update 

love you all

kisses :*

qt sweet <3 

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