2.3) Howling Into The Moonlight

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dedicated to skystxlinski for voting for my stories, I see you girl ! ❤️


Apart from the intense anger what the freshman has felt, now some sort of panic began to take control over his brain and body, since he's spotted the chains and restrains placed on a table. Suddenly memories ran through his mind how Scott has kidnapped him earlier on, then he barely was able to escape as Scott's best friend tried to keep him in the other boy's house.

"Are those for me?" Liam didn't expect to get an answer for that and thought it's the best moment to escape. As the other three were focusing on to find out what lie to tell or how to comfort him, but just when he took a step towards the front door, the noises around him became unbearably loud, way more than previously in Kira's car.

"Hey, hey! Liam! Jesus, calm down!" Stiles quickly crawled back from the blonde boy who's just woken up and was about to attack Stiles who thankfully already finished securing the restrains on the younger boy.

"Let me out! I'll tell everyone how sick you all are!" He pulled on the chains as hard as he could and yelled in hope that anyone would hear him, however it was useless due to the loud electro music upstairs.

"... yeah ...it's just great...Lydia's hosting the party, Scott's enjoying the lovely moments with Kira, and me, babysitting for a newbie werewolf with IED." The dark brunette boy was walking up and down nervously grabbing onto his own gelled up hair. He could see the lightning of the room has changed as the full moon has brightened up the dark basement and the annoying yelling has stopped. The room was quiet apart from the electro music penetrating through the walls. When Stiles was about to turn around the first thing he's spotted were the glowing yellow eyes. He took one step back when he heard the growling and as Liam 's face was now lit by the moon he could see his sharp fangs.

He's dealt with alphas, Onis, Nogitsune, but this was Liam, who was able to smash a car just because of his anger issues and not because he had any super powers, he just hoped the chains and restrains would be strong enough to keep the boy back from setting himself free and jump on Stiles. He gulped knowing he's dealt with worse and began to approach the boy, no matter that it was probably a bad idea, wouldn't be the first occasion for Stiles.

"Liam, just try to focus on something, I know you can hear my voice. Scott had problems too with control, but he learnt by time." Stiles jumped back a bit when Liam pulled on the chain roughly and growled at him loudly.

"What..is happening to me..." Liam roared again at the boy, switching in and out when he was Liam and when the werewolf took control over his body and brain.

"You're a werewolf now, no matter how crazy it sounds to you. However you feel like we're your enemies, we're not. Now you're part of our pack. So it'd not be exactly nice to rip my throat out...it's because of the full moon, but someone who's that strong like you has enough control." Stiles said backing off whenever Liam was about to attack him and growled at him aggressively.

"I can't ....I can't control it..Stiles..." He panted and pulled more on the chains, a crack starting to form along the wall. "...I don't want to..I don't want to hurt you...go..go Stiles!" Liam's whole body shook and stared in shock at the other male as he crawled towards him.

"I won't abandon you. If you'd leave that'd be a bigger problem, believe me, Liam." Stiles gulped as he approached the boy now being only few inches away from him the chains wouldn't hold the younger male back any longer as he was way too close. He watched how the light brown haired boy was gasping for air and fought within himself, which made Stiles think back how Lydia helped when he had a sort of panic attack, and he wasn't sure what was going on in Liam but his life was at stake, so being as bold he was, the dark brunette haired boy leaned in and pressed his lips against Liam's , his lips trembling when he felt the boy grabbing onto his wrists feeling his claws against his skin, but he felt no harm. When he saw the younger boy opening his eyes it changed back to its original color and the uneven breathing stopped.

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