1.8) Airport Antics

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Going to visit Jackson in London seemed like a good idea in theory, and it was great all the time he was there, but Stiles was starting to regret the choice when his plane landed in New York where he had to switch flights to get back to California, and was told that his flight had been delayed by up to 19 hours due to trouble with one of the engines. If he had planned better he could have booked a hotel for the night and come back the next day for his flight, however he had blown most of his money in London and now couldn't afford to stay anywhere. They also told him that all other flights were full as most of the passengers from his flight had planned ahead. This meant that Stiles was in for a long night staying in the airport to wait for his flight. After the woman behind the desk informed him that she would let him know if there were any spaces on any other flights, he made his way to one of the many seats he was able to choose from.

Stiles pulled his suitcase over to a row of vacant seats and set it next to him as he sat down. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to his dad telling him what had happened and that he wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. He then decided to put his phone away and save the battery so he wouldn't have to hunt for a plug socket to charge his phone, and pulled out a book he was reading to help with his university studies.

Four hours later he finally got bored of reading and walked over to the desk to ask the woman for any updates on the flight. After she told him no and again promised to let him know of any changes, he made his way back to his seat where he saw a few other people had sat down, waiting for their flights to be called. Most of the people looked like business people, clearly on their way to important meetings, probably on flights that weren't delayed for 19 hours. He flopped into his chair and let out a loud sigh. From the corner of his eye he could see several of the people look at him, some with annoyed looks on their faces. This gave him an idea of how to make time pass quicker, and make it more entertaining for him.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, going onto his ringtones and playing it out loud, pretending someone was calling him. Pretending to answer it, he put the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He said, louder than he needed to, making a couple of the people around him jump. He paused for a second waiting for the imaginary person on the end of the phone to talk.

"No man, I can't hear you. You're gonna have to talk louder." He shouted, putting his free hand up to his other ear to block out the sound of the airport. Another pause.

"Am I at home? No, I'm in the airport. My flight is delayed." Pause.

"Oh, am I alone? No, I'm at the airport. But you're not on loud speaker. Why?" He paused again trying to think of something that would make the people around him feel uncomfortable. He remembered reading a tweet a while ago about blowjobs and hair drying that he thought would make them uncomfortable, so he tried it.

"What? You gave him a blowjob while he blow dried your hair for you?" He paused as he subtly looked at the disgusted faces around him.

"No, that's not team work, that's weird. What the hell is wrong with you?" He continued, still shouting.

"This isn't a conversation I want to be having, so I'm gonna hang up now. Okay, bye." He said, then pretended to hang up the phone. Slipping his phone back into his pocket he looked around at the faces to see people looking at him with disgust. He shrank down in his chair, pretending to look embarrassed when in reality he was trying not to laugh. As he was looking around, he caught the eye of a young looking guy who looked like he was also trying not to laugh. When they made eye contact, the guy grinned before looking down at his phone and typing something. He smiled to himself, then pulled his phone out again, deciding to play games on his phone, screw his battery life.

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