1.1) Halloween Party

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Liam was rather nervous about the party, he's spent the whole October to find the right costume, it was the first time he's been invited to a house party by Scott. He thought eventually he's made a rather good choice, he's chosen to dress up as an Assassin's Creed character, Altair. He thought the costume would not just look cool but also would fit his personality and whole image as he was known to be quite a big gamer. He smiled as he opened his wardrobe and took the wrapped costume in the black bag off the hanger. Still one hour till the party so he had plenty time to get ready, Liam was humming a tune he lately heard on the radio but as he completely unzipped the bag he shrieked and stared in shock at the costume inside.

"No....no....no...no! This can't be happening to me come on!" Liam immediately began to look for the costume renting place on his phone and walked up and down in his room switching from angry to panicked, like every single minute.

"Um...hi, I'm Liam Dunbar...I..I rented a costume, an Assassin's Creed costume, and...and you must have made a mistake because now when I opened the bag I've found an Alice costume in it!" He ran his shaky hand along his short blond locks and kicked onto his bed several times hanging up the phone as the woman on the phone apologized about the mistake but they didn't have the costume anymore what he's been looking for and because it was Halloween, not many costumes remained at the renting place. His IED really didn't help him in the situation, he was all alone home, and needed to calm down somehow.

After Liam has caused milder damages on his furniture, only twenty minutes left till the party. He didn't want to go without any costume, after all it was a Halloween party and he was sure he'd not be the only one who'd crossdress for it. He just wanted to avoid any mocking or teasing what he already got sometimes, he wanted that on this party Stiles and Scott would at least once take him seriously. He was sure with the Assassin's Creed costume he'd have been cool, and they'd have complemented him, but now he knew and was preparing for the teasing he was about to get on the party.

As the blonde boy arrived to the house he thought, well more like hoped he might not even be really noticed or bothered by the others as he heard the loud music, they were probably too busy with the party itself. He breathed out slowly, counting like his psychologist told him how to relax, however it wasn't helping at all to slow his pulse down.

"Liam? Is that you?" Scott chuckled as he was standing on the porch with Kira, in the Clint, Black Widow costume. Liam felt like an idiot for coming, knowing he won't enjoy a single minute from the party. He ran his eyes on Scott's cool costume and wondered what the other thought about his appearance. He had the blue dress on with the white apron, the white socks pulled up till his knees, ugly black enamel shoes, the top of the cake was the silly blonde wig with that black bow tied on top of it.

"I got my costumes switched by accident. I was supposed to be an Assassin's Creed character." He mumbled fighting with his anger and also avoiding not to die from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Liam..." Scott still giggled but tried to hold himself back, as much as he could. "The bow suits your eye color though." He chuckled again but stopped once Kira wrapped her arm around his waist and got a kiss from her. "It's nothing like you should worry about, it's Halloween." Scott shrugged eventually and pulled Kira back inside the house. Liam bit onto his lips thinking it was going alright so far, so he followed them inside. The music was rather loud, even better so he wouldn't hear any comments made on his outfit. As he walked further inside his eyes locked on a boy who entered the hall, the party lights made the skull painting along his skin even creepier on his face. Liam watched how the male was strutting up right up to him, just then his heart beat sped up even more when he saw it was Stiles and knew he was about to get teased on master level now.

"Oh my God!" Stiles broke out into laughter and crouched down a bit lower just to make the other feel he was way taller than Liam. "Hello Alice. You didn't fall into any hole on the way here?"

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