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My life shattered into bits and pieces just 18 months ago and yes i am keeping count. But before I tell you my story I must tell you how it all began.

Austin Anders was every girls' fantasy. Hot, handsome,rich,  every guy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to be with him. We bumped into each other on our way to the local bar which ended up with him buying me drinks which eventually led to us dating. We dated through out uni. He proposed on my birthday 2 years later and we got married in a big ceremony 6 months later after which he inherited his family business. We move to our penthouse on the upper east side,new york which was actually a gift from his parents. Life could not have been more perfect. The only drawback of being with him was going to all those sophisticated stuck up parties which all the rich attend. At first I always kind of felt that all his friends were spoiltrich brats but eventually they let me in and made me feel like their own family and weren't that bad. 

18 months ago I had found out that i was pregnant and was pretty excited to tell Austin cause we had talked about starting a family for a few months.After coming back from the doctor I found an envelope addressed to me which had divorce papers but were already signed by him. When he came back from work asked him what the fuck was going on and all he did was yell at me for breaking our vows and love and that he didn't want me in his life. when i disagreed to sign and told him that i was pregnant, he said that the baby wasn't his and that i was a whore and threw me out. Not knowing what to do i went to my and his "friends" for help but all they did was ridicule me and left me on the street alone. The next day I went back to Austin thinking that he had cooled off and we would talk like adults. But when i entered our apartment there was no noise. I went upstairs only to hear moans coming from inside. I went inside to find my "best friend" Ava Starr in bed with my husband. When he saw me looking all he did was smirk as if 4 years of US did not even happen at me and continued. Heart broken i signed the divorced papers, called my close friend Emily told her everything that happened, she told me to pack my bags and come to her in LA.

Now 18 months later I live in LA, a single mom to 2 beautiful twin babies Avery and Aria Anders, a wedding planner and......... 

I am happy and finally ready to move on.

Author's Note

P.S. this is my first book so don't judge me...

I'll get better................

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