The Triple S

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So you’ve heard of super heroes and their quest to keep their town and loved one safe, right? Have you ever notice that there are never girl super heroes that are by themselves. Sure, there’s Wonder Woman but she’s usually with Superman.

What about the damsel in distress that needs the hero to save her, and why does she always get kidnapped. This sad, sad event happened in quite a couple movies and comics that I have studied over the course of a year.

So why am I studying something like this?

The answer is easy; a year ago, on August 22nd I was taken, as in kidnapped, while walking home from my high school. Which if I told my parents was far from safe, I bet next time they’ll listen to me.

Anyway I was taken and drugged, by the time I woke up I was strapped down on a bed. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by medical instruments. Being the idiot I was I screamed and thrashed around; trying to loosen the straps that were attacking my ankles, wrist, and middle torso.

Unfortunately, this did nothing to help my situation; actually it made it much worse seeing as I alerted them that I was awake and alive.

My heart was beating out of my chest as the door opened and in walked a man. I would never forget his face because all the fear I felt as I looked at him. He had a white lab coat on above a red shirt and black jeans. His feet were covered in black boots, while his hands had black latex gloves.

His face though was terrifying though, it was covered in scars. He looked like he went swimming in a pool full of cheese graders once in his life time.  He had brown eyes that looked almost black, he was bald with tattoos covering his neck and head.

To sum it all up quickly, I could tell that he didn’t take me here to play a fun game of hide and go seek. He might play hide and die, but I wasn’t a large fan of that game.

“Hello, Greenly.” The man said and I shivered for all the wrong reasons. His voice was deep and held some kind of mystery, like he knew something that I didn’t.

“How do you know my name?” I asked in a shaken, scared tone. “What do you want with me? I’m nothing special,” I tell him and he just smiles and shakes his head.

“You don’t get it do you?” He asked, but it was more to himself them me. “You are very smart already, athletic, and pretty. We looked for someone with all those qualities and believe me when I say that they’re hard to find. We want-, no we need someone that can help us do everything we want in life.”

“Please just let me go, I can’t help you get anything,” I cried as my fear got worse. I wanted to go home, to never see this room or this man ever again. He was talking like a crazy person. How does he expect a 17 year old girl to do his bidding?

“That’s where you’re wrong, Greenly Marks.” He says with a small smirk. “We’ve been readying all our experiments’ just for your arrival. We believe that we’ve come up with the right combination to get the end results we’re waiting for.”

“Who are you?” I asked in a small voice.

“I’m Vick Walker, but you will know me as Dr. Walker. We, meaning the people here, like to call ourselves the BCS.” Dr. Walker said. “I’ll probably the only person you’ll see for a while though.”

“When can I go home?” I asked hopefully though I knew the answer. Once he voiced it though I wanted to wrap my arms around myself and cry. I felt utterly alone, and useless. Here I was strapped to a bed with no way out.

“You can’t,” he said bluntly as a knock on the door sounded through the room.

Please don’t be another creepy fake doctor. I prayed to myself as I squeezed my eyes shut, heart racing faster than it already was.

When I heard one pair of footsteps walk over to me I open my eyes.

“Are you alright?” Dr. Walker asked as he stared down at me with his black eyes. I could tell that he didn’t really care, but I most likely had to be healthy for their so called ‘experiments’.

“No,” I answer quietly.

“Sad,” he said in an empty voice, even more empty then when he started to talk to me earlier.  I watch as he walks over to an empty table and sets a box down. He opens it and pulls out a syringe with a bright green liquid. It was glowing, like stars in the night sky.

“What-what is that?” I stuttered as I tried to scoot my body away from him as he neared me.

“Experiment number one, we named it Laniot though. In this little syringe hold millions of dollars’ worth of chemicals that you haven’t even heard of, chemicals that only the governments are aware of.”

“Then how do you or BCS have it?” I asked trying to stall. I don’t want that huge needle, let alone a glowing liquid injected into my body.

“BCS isn’t that well known, not to citizens anyway. The government isn’t aware of us either; sure there are a couple of things from traitors that they’ve heard. We change up our location every two years. We have officials though; they give us these chemicals to test out our experiments. The government isn’t as innocent as you think; if it wasn’t for them then none of this would be possible.”

I gasped quietly as I thought this through. What would the government get out of this? Why would they even agree to something like this in the first place?

“What are you trying to make me into?” I asked as I stared at the glowing syringe.

“We need someone with more strength and beauty, more and better mind abilities then anyone has ever seen. We want someone healthy and athletic that has a chance at survival.” Dr. Walker explains as he readies my arm with rubbing alcohol.

“I have none of that though, and why do you need someone that’ll survive? What do you plan on doing with them?” I ask.

“You will have that though. The chemicals, the potions that we’re coming up with will do exactly that. We want an assassin, a seducer, a super human. Someone that’ll help us take over anything we please. We need you; we have a feeling that unlike others, you’ll survive these experiments.” He answered before sinking the needle in my arm and squeezing the liquid into it.

My world spun before going black.


This story will be a story I’ll write whenever I think of something. This story will be PG, so there will be no cussing. A first for me but I’ll try, so this might change later seeing as I have a potty mouth so I’ll warn you.


~Camryn Adrianna Brown<3

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