The Epidemic

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I got him sick.

Well he actually got himself sick, since he did kiss me.

He just took the sickness away.

Anyway, I had gotten Lover Boy over here sick. He was now the one lying in bed and puking in the toilet while I was hold his long locks from his spewing mouth.

And I had to skip Uni again! Just to make sure he was okay.

Yeah I'm a cool person, I know, you're all jealous.

"Harry, you're stupid," I said, shaking my head.

All the boys went out today for some interview thing.

"You don't kiss a sick person," I informed, readjusting his hair in my hands.

"I know-" puke, "that now."

"Do you understand why I was dying?"

He nodded, scared to lift his face out of the toilet. "It wasn't worth it. I shouldn't kiss you when you're sick."

I snorted. "You're a charmer, Harold."

"I know."



Harry had fallen asleep while we watched Hairspray. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I heard the door open. OH GOD WE ARE BEING ROBBED!!

I ran around Harry's room, trying to find a baseball bat.

But what scared me the most was when Harry's door opened. I immediately hit the floor and hit my forehead on the ground. OWWWWW

"Harry?" I was relieved to hear Louis's voice. "Are you okay?"

"Louis?" I replied in my best Harry impression.


"Maybe Harry will be our always."




"Addie?" Harry grumbled.

"It's me, mate. You're really hung up on this girl, huh?" Louis chuckled.

"Shhh, you can't tell any one," Harry said, suddenly alert.

He told Louis? How am I supposed to come back from that? What if Niall finds out?

"I won't, lad," Louis sighed. "Calm your tits and trust me."

"Rest your breasts."

"Soothe your boobs."

"Rest your chest."

"That's the same thing as rest your breasts!"

"Don't slip your nips."

"Cool your tools."

They continued their conversation about the way to relax your chest while I was just laying on the floor.

Louis still hadn't seen me. How was I supposed to get out?

I army crawled out of Harry's room into the living room. I sat on the couch and began scrolling through my Instagram feed. I only stopped when I came upon a video of Liam, Louis, and Niall.

They were sitting at one of those talk show things. In the video, I could them talking about someone.

"So I hear you live with a young lady now?" Asked the host.

"Yeah. Her names Addie," Liam said.

"She's Zayn's little sister," Niall commented.

"She pretty cool, but she's a raisin," Louis said.

The video cut off with some laughter.

Ass hole.

I decided to look up the interview, as I was fairly sure it would be "on the line" as you whippersnappers say.

Nothing really caught my attention. Until the interviewer asked if any of them were wooing me. If Zayn saw that, he wouldn't be happy. Especially since they all avoided looking in anyone's eyes. Idiots. 

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