To Cool For This School

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The first day of school.

Everyone hates it. It's like you're being turned into a slave. And what's even worse is the time you have to wake up.

Fortunately I only lived like a couple blocks away from university, so I got more time to sleep. Party.

I rolled out of my bed-probably looking like a crack head that just got hit by a bus-and began to look for a good choice of clothes.

I went to the bathroom tip-toeing, in the hope not to wake anybody up. I quickly did my business and looked at the clock only to see I had 15 minutes left to get to my first class. Crap.

I ran through the kitchen and grabbed an apple, my back pack, and a red jacket that did not belong to me. I ran down the front steps and to the side walk where I enjoyed my sweet breakfast fruit.

As I walked down the sidewalk, a big red brick building came into view from behind some trees.

There were students coming in and out of the building. I spotted different groups too. The jocks, the nerds, the blowouts, and worst of all, The Plastics. Haha just kidding. If there were plastics, I would be Regina.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when a small girl bumped into me.

Normally I would go all ape-shit-crazy on her but, before I could do anything she said in a slight accent, "Oh my gosh-I'm so sorry-I wasn't paying attention-It's all my faul-"

"It's fine; I wasn't either. I was thinking about Mean Girls," I answered with a smile.

She laughed and said, "I'm Madeline but, everyone calls me Maddie."

"That's funny because I'm Adeline but, everyone calls me Addie."

"We shall be friends. Now tell me all your secrets," she whispered in a sarcastic voice.

I whispered back, "I'm Zayn Malik's little sister."

"Haha nice one," she giggled. If only you knew...

"So what do you study?"

"Design an-"


"Who?" She wondered with furrowed eyebrows.

"Mrs. Shearing," I said, my words laced with hope.

"Yesssss," she hissed like a snake.

I take a glance at my watch and inform, "Well the class starts in 7 minutes so we should probably run."

So we ran.

We made it to class with an entire 47 seconds to spare. I quickly sat in the seat next to Maddie and waited for Mrs. Shearing.

I looked at the desk, where a young lady was sitting looking at some papers.

She stood up, smoothed her dress out, and cleared her voice. "Class I am Miss Shearing and I have been informed that it's was said as Mrs. So I am here to tell you it's not. But anyways I'm going to start with roll call," she said in a light, smooth voice.

"Daria Adkins."


"Madeline Cuffs."

"Here and, call me Maddie," she said from next to me.

Ms. Shearing nodded and continued, while I spaced out until she said, "Adeline Malik."

I felt Maddie's eyes boring into me with disbelief.


"You were serious?" Maddie whisper yelled.

I ignored.

"Addie, I'm guessing?" Ms. S asked.

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh my gosh. You were!" Maddie whisper yelled again.

'Well this is going to be a long class.'


Maddie and I were on a bench outside, in between classes, throwing Skittles in each other's mouths, when my phone started ringing.

It was Niall.

"Hey, what's up? If this is about the jacket, th-"

"Where the hell are you?" he backfired.

"Are you serious?"


"I was kidnapped and, am currently being raped," I said, my voice filled with sarcasm.

"Shit." I heard him mutter.

I couldn't hold it so I laughed like crazy, earning stares.

"That's not funny," he whined.

"Y-you thought I w-was ser-rious," I laughed out.

"Shut uuuuuuuuuppp," he pouted like a two-year-old.

"I can come home though. I'm already to cool for this school," I said in gangsta voice.

"No, it's okay. What time will you be home?"

"Like one."

"Ok, bye, princess. Be safe."

"Bye, Niall. Oh, and I stole someone's jacket. It's red."

And with that I hung up on him.

"Who was that?"

I jumped probably a foot in the air and said, "It was Niall and, don't do that again."

"Oh, sorry," she respond with a weird smile.

"You're good. Do you want to meet in between classes over here?"

"Yeah, sure, I gotta get to my class. Bye," she said as she went to class.

I still need to figure out that accent.

Zayn's Revenge|Book 1 [completed]Where stories live. Discover now